OpenXTalk Lite 0.91 Windows ...nearly

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OpenXTalk Lite 0.91 Windows ...nearly

Post by tperry2x »

I've released an in-progress OpenXTalk Lite 0.91 Windows x64 version.
The link is here:
Image ... 0.9-win.7z

There's no installer in this version (that will follow), and I've not changed the icons yet - again, that will follow in the next lot of changes.

So, please uncompress the 7z file and move the RunRev folder into C:\Program Files\ manually.
Also, inside the /RunRev/LiveCode Community 9.6.1/ folder, there's a Preferences folder.
Please copy the file: livecode7.rev to your appdata folder
(In the Search Bar on your Windows Toolbar, type %appdata% and press Enter. This opens the AppData folder in Windows Explorer.)
Replace the livecode7.rev file inside the Preferences folder in there.

Also, the OXT_Guide isn't copied to the right place yet. This will also be done in an installer.
So, this is a preliminary release (a beta of a beta)

I've also included windows mentions in all my lists of changes too:
windows screenshot.png
windows screenshot.png (228.18 KiB) Viewed 9808 times
I'll update this post when I've made an installer and made the process easier.
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Re: OpenXTalk Lite 0.91 Windows ...nearly

Post by tperry2x »

Got rid of Livecode program icon and replaced with OXT one. (this also does the icon in the taskbar & small icons on the active windows. (This isn't a file you can change, it was replaced inside the .exe itself).

I also fixed the blue underlines on the "Application Browser". (my fault - oops!)
Also fixed loading of the OXT dictionary (you can always shift-click for the original behaviour)

Should now be on-a-par with the Linux and Mac versions. (0.91)

Download links & changes:
windows screenshot 2.png
windows screenshot 2.png (254.55 KiB) Viewed 9788 times
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Re: OpenXTalk Lite 0.91 Windows ...nearly

Post by richmond62 »

I am tempted to bung the dreaded ReactOS on a stray computer I have and try this out . . .
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Re: OpenXTalk Lite 0.91 Windows ...nearly

Post by tperry2x »

I've never had any luck with ReactOS running anything Windows reliably.

When I have to run Windows, I just run Windows in a VirtualBox VM with networking disabled completely.
Although my dev machine is 'real metal' windows 10 PC (only an i5 with 8GB ram), but not a virtual machine.
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Re: OpenXTalk Lite 0.91 Windows ...nearly

Post by richmond62 »

I have had ReactOS run several versions of LiveCode successfully . . . let's face it, ReactOS is what my school friends and I would have called 'Russian Bollocks' 45 years ago, and it has been stuck at "halfway up the stairs" forever, and I only ran it a few times inside a virtual machine (and I might do that now) to mess around with the Windows builds of LC.

Hey, a least they were sensible enough to remove the photo of 'wazzizname' the Putin puppet who played President for a patch so Putin could extend his rule! ... ge_67.html

[Err . . . Medvedev]:
Дмитрий_Медведев_(08-04-2022).jpg (44.45 KiB) Viewed 9775 times
Cor, talk about a bad case of constipation. 8-)

In fact it looks as if those chaps were sensible and may have bailed out before the balloon went up:
Screen Shot 2023-09-27 at 20.06.19.png
Screen Shot 2023-09-27 at 20.06.19.png (190.86 KiB) Viewed 9772 times
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Re: OpenXTalk Lite 0.91 Windows ...nearly

Post by tperry2x »

Haha, just a thought on forum posts.
Please see this as it's intended Richmond, it's not a dig at you.
(I am guilty of this too, so I can absolutely point the finger back at myself on this one).

If we are potentially going to have people in academia look at this forum (or even, the general public), then I think we need to do some cleansing of this forum.

That not only includes comments like my own (pictures of Elvis at a computer, white elephants, MacOS JuraPaps...etc) - but we'd need to be mindful of any comments we put out there which may switch people off potential OpenXTalk uptake.
As I say, it's not for the reasons to be in line with the politically correct brigade – but it's important not to post anything that people can cast in a negative light). Yes, that probably means some of my comments toward LC as well.

That also means spam posters advertising their own products (we need to clamp down on this) – I'd suggest actively only allowing registrations through invite-only (to keep out bots) and the active deleting of accounts found to be posting junk messages.

At any given time, there can be lots of background activity on this forum (which probably drags the server down to a crawl).
Perhaps private messages should be prevented for guests?
Currently, this is stuff going on behind the scenes: (IPs and names hidden on this screenshot).

Screenshot.png (55.17 KiB) Viewed 9753 times
Again, I'm happy to manage this more actively (and I'm sure you are too). What do you think? – As I say, I don't mean to offend anyone who has posted anything 'off-topic' and include myself in such postings. Do you think this makes sense to clamp down on the forum in this manner? (or perhaps I'm just being heavy-handed?)
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Re: OpenXTalk Lite 0.91 Windows ...nearly

Post by richmond62 »

Wait a 'cheesey moment' . . ."people in academia" . . . first catch your professor, then cook her. 8-)

So . . . why don't we do what 'those people in Scotland' do and have interest sections, so we can continue creatively misbehaving while the professor with the stuffy outlook can access the 'academic' sets of threads?
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Re: OpenXTalk Lite 0.91 Windows ...nearly

Post by richmond62 »

I could NOT get ReactOS to install of VMWare on MacOS 12, which is a right pox.
Dm.jpg (4.8 KiB) Viewed 9749 times
Ah, I screwed things up by choosing 'Windows 7' as my settings: ... mware.html
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Re: OpenXTalk Lite 0.91 Windows ...nearly

Post by tperry2x »

Okay then. People in edd ewww kaaay shhhuuun.
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Re: OpenXTalk Lite 0.91 Windows ...nearly

Post by tperry2x »

Spotted a problem, a problem of my own creation no less.

In my experiment of changing the default format from .livecode to .oxtstack (I forgot about the revsaveasstandalone.livecodescript stack).
It was still looking for stacks with the .livecode file extension, so would fail all the time when building the standalone.

like so:
Screenshot at 2023-09-29 07-14-25.png
Screenshot at 2023-09-29 07-14-25.png (47.73 KiB) Viewed 9718 times

However, changing one line (line 2024 to be precise) in this file:
(113.26 KiB) Downloaded 306 times
To read:
if not (tFileName ends with ".oxtstack" or tFileName ends with ".livecodescript" or tFileName ends with ".livecode" or tFileName ends with ".rev") then

Fixes the problem:
Screenshot at 2023-09-29 07-18-27.png
Screenshot at 2023-09-29 07-18-27.png (4.59 KiB) Viewed 9718 times
Sorry! (I'm only human, unfortunately) :oops:

You can simply replace the file revsaveasstandalone.livecodescript in :
[Linux:] /opt/livecode/livecodecommunity-9.6.x.x86_64/Toolset/libraries/
[Mac:] right-click the app > "show package contents" /Contents/Tools/Toolset/libraries/
[win:] C:/RunRev/LiveCode Community 9.6.x/Toolset/libraries/

I've also updated all my download links and changes, because I didn't want to leave the incorrect file available.
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Re: OpenXTalk Lite 0.91 Windows ...nearly

Post by richmond62 »

Sorry! (I'm only human, unfortunately)
Oh, I wouldn't complain if I were you: fancy a reincarnation as an earwig? 8-)
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Re: OpenXTalk Lite 0.91 Windows ...nearly

Post by richmond62 »

Daft as a bloody bog brush, but that's nothing new; have got ReactOS 4.1.4 up-and-strolling inside VMware Fusion on my mac 12 iMac, and currently copying the decompressed openxtalk-lite-0.9-win.7z file into it from the Mac desktop [very confusing that it is called 'RunRev'], and then I shall start shooshing all the bits and bobs into the places as per the instructions.
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Screen Shot 2023-09-30 at 10.53.15.jpg (589.01 KiB) Viewed 9686 times
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Re: OpenXTalk Lite 0.91 Windows ...nearly

Post by richmond62 »

Big Blobs of Squishy Fudge:
Screen Shot 2023-09-30 at 11.03.59.png
Screen Shot 2023-09-30 at 11.03.59.png (39.86 KiB) Viewed 9682 times
Probably because ReactOS is faking Windows XP, which is, just a peerie bit, out of date.

Just to be bloody-minded I shall try to run LC 9.6.1 Windows inside that virtual machine . . .
Screen Shot 2023-09-30 at 11.22.31.png
Screen Shot 2023-09-30 at 11.22.31.png (68.45 KiB) Viewed 9680 times
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Re: OpenXTalk Lite 0.91 Windows ...nearly

Post by tperry2x »

Yeah, that pretty much mirrors my experience with reactOS too.
On the tedious file-swapping front, I'm making inroads into a patching solution to make this kind of thing easier. I'll spend some time on that very soon.
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Re: OpenXTalk Lite 0.91 Windows ...nearly

Post by richmond62 »

I am tempted to run a 'P' version of Windows 10 inside VMware ONLY to check out your stuff.
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OpenXTalk Lite 0.92 Windows

Post by tperry2x »

Windows 11 runs OpenXTalk Lite 0.92 with no issues: (no extra issues)
Screenshot (18).png
Screenshot (18).png (192.24 KiB) Viewed 9637 times
0.92 is now live on my site for testing:
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Re: OpenXTalk Lite 0.91 Windows ...nearly

Post by micmac »

Mac version of your prepared version:

System says its damaged: Move to trash

Tried to dequarantine it to no avail.

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OpenXTalk Lite 0.92

Post by tperry2x »

micmac wrote: Tue Oct 03, 2023 2:43 pm Mac version, System says its damaged: Move to trash
Hi Mic, what MacOS version are you running?
This is a side effect of editing the plist file, and it now being classed as 'unsigned' as a result.
(it's Gatekeeper on the mac getting in the way)

If you are stuck at the installer stage, you have to right-click it and choose 'Open'

If you've got past the installer, and are now seeing this when trying to run OpenXTalk, try turning on 'Allow apps downloaded from anywhere' in Apple menu > Settings > Security.
Then restart your mac & try again.

Richmond ran into the same issue

The TLDR version, is you might have to run:
xattr -cr "/Applications/OpenXTalk Lite"
This will clear the metadata flags that MacOS has started putting everywhere.

Install video if it helps: ... cOS-12.mp4

Other install videos:
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OpenXTalk Lite 0.92

Post by tperry2x »

I've also just figured out how linux makes it's desktop-application file extension associations (!)
So, I'll be building that in next time.
oxt-right-click.png (27.84 KiB) Viewed 9540 times
There's something that already exists to do this in LC / OXT on Windows - it sets the associations through the registry.
I can probably add that check in for Mac and Linux equivalents too (unless I'm blocked at every turn by gatekeeper or SIP on the mac).
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OpenXTalk Lite 0.92 (icon associations continued)

Post by tperry2x »

I've also just worked out the preferred way of adding in the oxtstack icon association for MacOS:
mac-fileext.png (42.82 KiB) Viewed 9495 times
I've added this to the Mac OS build and uploaded it.
I've also done the Windows one - kind of... Can't see where it messes about with the registry for oxtstack files
I just need to find where this is being pulled from in Windows:
file association windows.png
file association windows.png (73.62 KiB) Viewed 9491 times
The linux bit I'll probably do either tonight, but hopefully before the weekend.
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