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P*ssing Around

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 9:00 pm
by richmond62
Yup: Pissing around because there are still NO reliable OXT builds for Windows (none), Linux (bloody shaky), Macintosh (slightly shaky with crappy icons) . . . I must be stupid, but the obsession of the 'lead developer' (i.e. the only one) of OXT for introducing new features (feature creep) means that I will have to advertise a 'LiveCode programming course' this summer instead of what I should be advertising:
SShot 2023-05-06 at 23.56.42.png
SShot 2023-05-06 at 23.56.42.png (402.13 KiB) Viewed 1267 times

Re: P*ssing Around

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 7:39 am
by FourthWorld
It's open source. How much of this wish list can you help with?

Re: P*ssing Around

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 7:46 am
by tperry2x
Wish I could understand github... then I might have a chance of actually using it. I used to put some scrappy C code together, and had a go at writing an XCMD once (to set the menubar colour in Hypercard).

I'm not up to the task of re-writing an entire IDE. When I'm not even sure how to submit any changes I might make for review, (as github is as clear as mud to me), then I might just throw a folder of assets onto FTP somewhere marked 'these are my suggested changes'.

I can gladly come up with concept art, suggestions, and mockups - but I dare say pretty much anyone can do that. The real skill is going to be sifting through all those tangled lines of code and unpicking the mess we've been left with. (vulnerabilites in the engine) as previously mentioned by multiple people in multiple posts.

Re: P*ssing Around

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 8:02 am
by richmond62
How much of this wish list can you help with?
Well: I can fiddle around with the compiled LC app to my heart's content.

What I cannot do, and don't know how to do, is do the same sort of thing with the uncompiled source code.