xTalk-ish? Apple Shortcuts

A place to discuss any and all xTalk implementations, not just LC LCC Forks, but HyperCard, SuperCard, MetaCard, Gain Momentum, Oracle MediaTalk, OpenXION, etc.
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xTalk-ish? Apple Shortcuts

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

I think Apple Shortcuts is a bit like xTalk, it's like the evolution of the Automator.app.
You can add scripts in AppleScript (a rather xTalk-like language), including AppleScript ObjC, or JSA (JavaScript for Automation) if you prefer, but mainly people will use pre-made code blocks connected together into workflows which can be applied from various points within Apple's OSes (Shortcuts started it's life on iOS). Anyway it reminds me of the simplicity of xTalk and makes me think of what could've been if Apple hadn't left HyperCard to wither away and die.
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