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Free PDF book on OO Reengineering Patterns, further reading...

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 5:02 pm
by OpenXTalkPaul
Came across this eBook on Reengineering Patterns which has since been released for free as a PDF,
Began skimming... it seems to apply to our situation so I thought I'd share it:
Chapter 1
Reengineering Patterns
1.1 Why do we Reengineer?
A legacy is something valuable that you have inherited. Similarly, legacy
software is valuable software that you have inherited. The fact you have
inherited it may mean that it is somewhat old-fashioned. It may have
been developed using an outdated programming language, or an obsolete
development method. Most likely it has changed hands several times, and
shows signs of many modifications and adaptations.
Perhaps your legacy software is not even that old. With rapid develop-
ment tools and rapid turnover in personnel, software systems can turn into
legacies more quickly than you might imagine. The fact that the software
is valuable, however, means that you do not just want to throw it away.
Read / Download here: ... -11-27.pdf

Re: Free PDF book on OO Reengineering Patterns, further reading...

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 7:23 am
by tperry2x
There are lots of little snippets there, and some are indeed pertinent to us - however some bits are of course more generalised towards a pure c++ or other lower language.
It also assumes of course that we have full access to everything we need, and full documentation from the original maintainer, both of which we do not have. That will likely not be forthcoming - so we have to pick up the pieces, just like anyone who is currently making their own fork ;)

Re: Free PDF book on OO Reengineering Patterns, further reading...

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 9:55 am
by richmond62
That will likely not be forthcoming
Well, why not write and ask: after all the worst thing they can do is say 'No'?

I have just sent a request . . . we shall see. :?

That PDF will keep me busy for some time. 8-)

Re: Free PDF book on OO Reengineering Patterns, further reading...

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 10:49 am
by richmond62
the realization that the
most interesting and challenging side of software engineering may not be
building brand new software systems, but rejuvenating existing ones.
Even if nothing else, that statement justifies reading that book.

What is a real kick in the pants is the realisation that that piece of software you put together 5 years ago needs 'rejuvenation'. 8-)

AND, just to throw my own spanner in the works:

What is the minimum monitor dimensions people round these parts are targetting at the moment?

I am beginning to feel that I would like more than 1024 x 780 as my bottom limit as it does slightly cramp my style.

My Devawriter (set at 1024 x 720) certainly starts to look like a dead fish in the middle of my vast monitors: but not everyone has vast monitors.

Re: Free PDF book on OO Reengineering Patterns, further reading...

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 3:54 pm
by tperry2x
I think minimum I'd want to allow enough room for a 1024x768 monitor.
When making my stacks (back in hypercard days), it was 640x480
Then, in Supercard 3.5 - I used to use 800x600 - so 1024x768 does not seem unreasonable to me.