
A place to discuss any and all xTalk implementations, not just LC LCC Forks, but HyperCard, SuperCard, MetaCard, Gain Momentum, Oracle MediaTalk, OpenXION, etc.
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Post by tperry2x »

download link here.
hyperzebra.png (68.77 KiB) Viewed 1474 times
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Re: HyperZebra

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

Thanks for the binary download, I did see this on GitHub years ago but it was all in Japanese (I think), and I didn't find an executable for it. This is also built on Java, but it's very incomplete and a bit wonky.

There's a another similarly built on Java but appears to be a much more of a complete HyperCard Clone: https://github.com/defano/wyldcard and it's MIT licensed, and still active. WyldCard specifically has a goal of faithfully emulating HyperCard. Which I don't see why? Why limit it's capabilities like that? (same complaint I have with Decker). I've never compiled WyldCard to try it out though, but it looks solid.
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