OXT Lite 1.09

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OXT Lite 1.09

Post by richmond62 »

Yum: complete with jazzy Tools icon:
OXTL109.jpg (202.82 KiB) Viewed 4329 times
MacOS 12.7.6
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Re: OXT Lite 1.09

Post by richmond62 »


If I open the 1.09 IDE and click on the Tools icon the Tools palette becomes invisible, and clicking again, visible.


If I move the MenuBar anywhere else on screen the Tools icon stops working.

That seems very odd.
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Re: OXT Lite 1.09

Post by tperry2x »

richmond62 wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2024 1:37 pm If I move the MenuBar anywhere else on screen the Tools icon stops working.
Can't replicate that issue on MacOS right now. Can someone else confirm? Something to do with "Show the toolbar as a standard window" - as Richmond has turned that option on in his screenshot.
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Re: OXT Lite 1.09

Post by richmond62 »

Screenshot 2024-11-17 at 16.50.02.png
Screenshot 2024-11-17 at 16.50.02.png (88.69 KiB) Viewed 4298 times
Something to do with "Show the toolbar as a standard window" - as Richmond has turned that option on in his screenshot.
You are completely right: as, as you can see from my new screenshot, with the 'standard' window bar turned oof, the Tools icons does what it should even if the MenuBar stack is dragged away from its normal position.
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Re: OXT Lite 1.09

Post by tperry2x »

richmond62 wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2024 2:50 pm You are completely right: as, as you can see from my new screenshot, with the 'standard' window bar turned [o]of, the Tools icons does what it should even if the MenuBar stack is dragged away from its normal position.
in the movestack handler of the revMenubar stack, I'll add this:

Code: Select all

if the cMakeRevMenuBarStandard of stack "revPreferences" is true then generateToolsBtn
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Re: OXT Lite 1.09

Post by richmond62 »

Why did you do that?

I really meant 'Oooooof'. 8-)
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Re: OXT Lite 1.09

Post by tperry2x »

Feeling adventurous?
Grab a beta-test-fix by holding down the shift key while choosing "check for updates", and keep the shift key held while you also click the "re-download last available update again". Once the beta update starts to download, you can let go of the shift key.
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Re: OXT Lite 1.09

Post by richmond62 »

Feeling adventurous?
One day we might meet, and I have a feeling there may be an air of tension between us. 8-)

Especially, as by now, you know I am a ludicrously early adopter who can never resist a Gamma, let alone a Beta.

BUT! 1.09 'just' says 'no updates available' and there are no options. :cry:
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Re: OXT Lite 1.09

Post by tperry2x »

One day we might meet, and I have a feeling there may be an air on tension between us. 8-)
Not unless I've just released an update, and when we meet you don't have a long list of pre-typed up bugs that have been discovered within the last 5 minutes of it being available :D

Plus I don't have a passport.

I just needed to go for a walk and clear my head. You can understand me being a bit terse.
It'd be like you putting out your Devawriter or Sheeba stack, for some lecturer in languages to turn around and say that it wasn't valid, just didn't work, or likewise... - it'd leave you feeling incredibly p1ss3d off.

You could also get to the beta by keeping the shiftkey held down while you click on the "close" button too.
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Re: OXT Lite 1.09

Post by richmond62 »

some lecturer in languages to turn around and say
Several have. 8-)

The one that I wrote "Boil your head." to was one of the reasons I started on Devawriter in the first place:


Many long years ago (erm, well 1983) I was thinking, as one does, of studying Sanskrit at the University of Durham.

At that time I was working as a farm labourer on South Ronaldsay, in Orkney, and "just for fun" had started teaching myself Sanskrit,
and have very quickly realised that, unless I learnt the dominant writing system for writing in Sanskrit, I would always be at a disadvantage.

So I spent an awful lot of time practising drawing Devanagari syllabics on the walls of the cowshed. 8-)

If you believe extreme forms of Hinduism (especially the nutty ends of Vaishnavism) the cows would have had their spiritual trip through multiple reincarnations to humanity accelerated by my chalking things like 'krodha' ('headache') in Sanskrit near where they were munching on their silage. 8-)

Then, on going to Durham for an interview with Dr Werner, he told me that there was "no point" in learning any writing system for Sanskrit as all
the interesting texts had been transliterated into IAST.

This really made me ask some questions.

When Dr Werner moved to SOAS in London he refused to even look at Devawriter because . . . you guessed it.

I often wonder if the old sausage was capable of reading Devanagari script himself.

That Wikipedia article makes the bloke out to be a sort of saint, and if he were a saint at all it was ONLY because he didn't suck up to a Communist regime (which is enough to make you at least beatified in my books), but NOT when it comes to Sanskrit.
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Re: OXT Lite 1.09

Post by tperry2x »

richmond62 wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2024 1:37 pm If I move the MenuBar anywhere else on screen the Tools icon stops working.
Hmmmm... it's not just the tools icon.
If the menubar is showing as a "standard window", bizarrely all the buttons cease to work if you drag it by the window's titlebar. If however you reposition it using my grey drag-bar on the left, the buttons continue working.
I'm stumped why this might be the case at the moment.

Rather than working on someone else's livecodescript file, I propose that I probably want to recreate this. If I have my way, it won't be as a livecodescript file but as a 'normal' stack.

In the short-term, just disable the 'show the toolbar as a standard window'. It's bizarre that I can move it around by the grey dragger and not see any issue. Something weird is creeping in with the default drag behavior.

Thought I had that fixed earlier, but it's still doing it. (more on this further down)
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Re: OXT Lite 1.09

Post by micmac »

A tiny bug

1 choose Preferences –> Appearance –> Arrow

2 In Tools Palette Options choose fx 3 columns then Save

the Browse tool reverts to Hand

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Re: OXT Lite 1.09

Post by tperry2x »

Thanks micmac - Not only that, but choosing 3 column, then setting the arrow tool seems to go well.
However, then on next launch of the IDE, the IDE will halt at the splash screen "validating preferences".

If you get stuck at "Validating Preferences", go into the Preferences and reset preferences to default.
Restart the IDE and check for updates via the Help menu.
(this is just so you can get back into it).
(see below)

Was wondering why this "Validating preferences" occurred, as it had been mentioned previously. Didn't know it was connected to the default tool.

edit: fixed. I'm attempting to set it too early in the IDE boot process, before the IDE is fully ready.
Please check for updates in about 10 minutes. If you'd already done so, please do it again and choose 're-download last update' as it'll contain these fixes too.

I hadn't made any changes to these in 1.09, so that issue had been lurking for a while.
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Re: OXT Lite 1.09

Post by tperry2x »

Edit: fixed.
Now works as it should.
Setting the number of columns, changing the default cursor does not cause sporadic halts at the IDE splash screen.
The cursor choice is also now honoured.

Sorry Richmond - I think it was yourself that asked for the draggable revMenubar stack. I've had to disable the draggable revmenubar option. I'll enable this again, but as version 2 at a later date.

I'm thinking of using the smaller height, palette titlebar, as in:
palette-title.png (4.03 KiB) Viewed 4224 times
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Re: OXT Lite 1.09

Post by tperry2x »

Thank you both for reporting these issues.
Ultimately it'll make it more reliable for everyone.
Just glad I now have a method of live-patching this.
patching.png (236.79 KiB) Viewed 4238 times
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Re: OXT Lite 1.09

Post by micmac »

Selected the rounded corner tool (last tool) and drew this.

Something is wrong

Rounded corner.jpg
Rounded corner.jpg (18.61 KiB) Viewed 4184 times
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Re: OXT Lite 1.09

Post by richmond62 »

Installed without a hitch on MacOS 15.2 beta.

As per micmac above:
SShot 2024-11-18 at 15.41.57.png
SShot 2024-11-18 at 15.41.57.png (41.61 KiB) Viewed 4181 times

1. The bounding rectangle should coincide with the grey section?

2. One should be able to mess around with it a bit:
SShot 2024-11-18 at 15.44.18.png
SShot 2024-11-18 at 15.44.18.png (96.52 KiB) Viewed 4180 times
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Re: OXT Lite 1.09

Post by tperry2x »

richmond62 wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2024 1:40 pm Surely:
1. The bounding rectangle should coincide with the grey section?
The IDE needs a "suitable paintimage" to paint into, so that's what it checks for when you first start painting.
If there isn't one, it creates a "suitable paintimage" of whatever your stack size is (I could create this at a much larger size, so that if you resize your stack and carry on painting, you don't reach the edge of the "suitable paintimage" container)

It's kind of like your artboard in Adobe illustrator.
richmond62 wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2024 1:40 pm Surely:
2. One should be able to mess around with it a bit:
So because it's not a vector graphic in a group, (it's a bitmap fixed resolution paint image), then resizing the "suitable paintimage" isn't like changing "canvas size", it's like "resizing image" after it's been painted - upon which the image will effectively be upsampled and lose quality.

Similarly if you resize the "suitable paintimage" to be smaller, it's only a roughly scaled approximation, so will appear distorted that way. A workaround to improve the appearance when shrinking the image down would be to set the "resize quality" in the inspector to "best"

A workaround for the "suitable paintimage" size would be to make the initial "suitable paintimage" much larger, but this would have a negative effect that if you were to export that image, you'd have a huge empty area around your paint image with what you'd painted in the middle. There's no "crop to content" option.
micmac wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2024 11:43 am Selected the rounded corner tool (last tool) and drew this.
Something is wrong
Do you mean, why aren't all the corners equal. Did you scale it up or down after drawing it?
Looking at your picture, the pixellation on the corners are doubled so looks like it's been scaled up after being drawn.

Aside from that - the bitmap drawing tools (especially the rounded corner tool) seems to draw an approximation of curves. I've found that setting a radius of 4, 6 and 14 give more predictable and more uniform corner sizes (although they still aren't right if you overlay one on top of the other). If I try with 8, I get the extremely non-uniform corners like in your first pic (for some weird reason, known only to the engine).
sizes.png (24.08 KiB) Viewed 4152 times
If I use the 'Other' and set it to "40" then I get a pretty uniform curve on each.
I'd be inclined to use the vector round rectangle anyway if accuracy is important. As in, drag a round rectangle off the tools palette (in the "vector shapes" section) and use the inspector to change the corner radius.
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Re: OXT Lite 1.09

Post by richmond62 »

Glad you explained that, as the tooltip does not.
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Re: OXT Lite 1.09

Post by tperry2x »

richmond62 wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2024 3:44 pm Glad you explained that, as the tooltip does not.
That's a heck of a lot to fit into a tooltip 8-)
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