No, as it's not inserting itself into the frontscripts - that's just a handler that is run by the engine before a stack is opened.
That's hard-coded to be checked on opening a stack, whereas inserting something into the frontscripts makes the list of things to check customisable.
You are going to ask me what the backscripts are now, I can feel it
The backscripts are the inverse of this - things in the backscripts execute AFTER the items in the frontscripts. AND after things that you've not added to the frontscripts. Say for example mouseup on a button. The frontscripts are checked first and their code run through, one item at a time. Then after those are all processed, the script in your button is run, then after that's done - all the things in the backscripts are checked one at a time and run through too.
You could think of it like pendingmessages, except you aren't having to continuously send [message] to [object] in [number] [milliseconds,seconds etc]
Things placed in the frontscripts and the backscripts remain being checked in the order shown by:
(you'll probably be surprised by the amount of things going on behind the scenes, particularly in the backscripts)
So, if you wanted to remove something from the backscripts (and keeping the example of a card script) - you can also do:
Code: Select all
remove the script of this card from back
This is a handy method for loading user-plugins on-the-fly, without having to restart the IDE to see changes. It's what I was going to use if I ever made a customisable xTalk-language user plugins directory. My idea at one point was to use this method to allow users to create their own plugins in the tools palette, like actions / macros in photoshop for example. However I've shelved that idea as I'm focussed on trying to get the engines to at least compile at the moment. I'm trying to do one thing at a time, as otherwise there's too many to-do lists which become unmanageable.