Notwithstanding, this:
got "shoved up my nose" this morning.
1. Anything that states "that feels right at home on your Mac" makes me feel uncomfortable as, while I predominantly use Mac computers, I don't automatically buy into the 'cultus':and 'my Mac(s)' is probably arranged quite differently to what these people mean by "your Mac."Develop any project using any language at speeds like never before with increased efficiency and reliability in an editor that feels right at home on your Mac.
it states:
So I expect it to complete xTalk statements for me and debug my code.Features include syntax highlighting, code completion, project find and replace, snippets, terminal, task running, debugging, git integration, code review, extensions, and more.
So, "just for fun", let's download it and feed it some "fish".
CodeEdit 0.2.0
MacOS 12.7.5 Intel
Oh, Whoops: needs MacOS 13 to run . . . so "Free", but NOT Free insofar as it requires one to shell out buckets to get a machine that will run MacOS 13, 14, or 15.
Good thing I have a machine that runs MacOS 15: but, 'not tonight Josephine': that'll have to wait for Tuesday or even Wednesday (depends on whether the vet can fit the cat in for her yearly jab in the bottom tomorrow).