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Talk the talk, walk the walk.

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2024 2:35 pm
by richmond62
HyperTalk, SuperTalk, MetaTalk, Runtime Revolution, Transcript, LiveCode, The LiveCode Scripting Language . . .

Before someone gets round to writing any instructive material are we to understand that the programming language in OpenXTalk is called xTalk?

I do feel it is important to have a name for the scripting language that differentiates it from the IDE.

Re: Talk the talk, walk the walk.

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:20 am
by tperry2x
That's what myself and Paul have been working towards. To give things a name which they can be identified by, but at the same time keeping things unbranded where possible.

So yes, the language as xTalk and the IDE as, well.... the IDE. :D
The engine as 'the engine' - although I have many other names for it when it won't compile.

We've dropped all OXT and Livecode references where we can, so anyone can pick up our efforts and add to it with their own name with minimal effort. As Paul says, unbranding rather than rebranding.
Same as whenever I encounter a metacard reference, I remove that too.

Re: Talk the talk, walk the walk.

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 2:44 am
by OpenXTalkPaul
tperry2x wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:20 am We've dropped all OXT and Livecode references where we can, so anyone can pick up our efforts and add to it with their own name with minimal effort. As Paul says, unbranding rather than rebranding.
Same as whenever I encounter a metacard reference, I remove that too.
I'm OK with keeping some MetacCard, RunRev, even LiveCode references. Their origin story is the origin of the OXT Engines and so I feel like that's significant from historical perspective.

I've been calling the language xTalk script (I've recently been abbrev. as xT script ) when I need to call it a name at all. Usually that's only when there's a need to differentiate it from another language like Extension Builder (lately I've been abbrev.. that to XBuilder), and also from AppleScript, JavaScript, Shell script, etc.

Re: Talk the talk, walk the walk.

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 5:40 am
by FourthWorld
I kinda like the idea of referring to the language as "oxTalk". So many mascot possibilities, the perfect pairing with GNU.

Re: Talk the talk, walk the walk.

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 11:44 pm
by OpenXTalkPaul
FourthWorld wrote: Thu Jun 27, 2024 5:40 am I kinda like the idea of referring to the language as "oxTalk". So many mascot possibilities, the perfect pairing with GNU.
I like that idea, also because since we're still using a scripting language that its original creators basically abandoned 30+ years ago, we here must all be stubborn as OXen.
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