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Hold My Hand, Hold My Hand, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:51 pm
by richmond62 ... -livecode/

Well, as far as they go, they are not too bad.

And it might behoove us to look toward making a set of vaguely equivalent videos, AND NOT behind a pay wall.

[Parenthetically, I really wonder about the thinking that makes someone think that a way to get people interested in their programming 'thang' is by bunging introductory lessons behind a paywall.]

]Oh, and still charge for it after 9 years when somethings don't seem to work that way.]

Even if nothing else it might not be a bad idea to consider both what is listed, and its progression vis-a-vis heirarchy of difficulty:
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Re: Hold My Hand, Hold My Hand, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:28 am
by OpenXTalkPaul
I agree, we need lessons, preferrably videos, ...of doing the basics stuff, and perhaps 'explainers' for things like text & object 'Chunk expressions' that may be a foreign concept to someone coming from another scripting language.