Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

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Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

richmond62 wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 6:13 pm Cannot quite understand why these are required:
I don't know what those are either.

My startup window is now completely blank, :D I want to make that a user selectable stack soon, no reason we can't all have the Home Start stack that we like.

I collected all of the Startup center relevant IDE handlers in case anyone wants to use them later for their start page or wherever else. All but one of these can be used from the message box, 'recent files' because it returns an array, but you can use revIDEGetPreference("cRecentStackPaths") instead.

Code: Select all

revIDESetPreference "StartCenterClassic",  true

put revIDEPaletteResourcePath()

put revIDEStackScreenLoc("Untitled 1")


put revIDERecentStacks() — returns array

put revIDEGetPreference("cRecentStackPaths")

revIDEOpenStack tFileData["filename"]


return revIDEPaletteResourcePath(pFileName)

put revIDEPaletteResourcePath(pFileName)

revIDELaunchResource "sample stacks"

revIDEDocumentationLoad "API", "LiveCode Script"

revIDEDocumentationLoad "API", "Guide"

revIDEActionNewMainstack "default"


revIDEActionNewMainstack "default"

revIDEActionNewMainstack "iPhone 4 (320x480)"

revIDEActionNewMainstack "15 In Monitor (1024x768)"

revIDEActionNewMainstack "Arbitrary (50x90)"

revIDESubscribe "ideDesktopChanged"

revIDEStackScreenLoc(the short name of me)

put revIDEGetPreference("cStartPageShow")

put revIDEGetPreference("StartCenterClassic")

set the iconPresetName of widget "startupCheckbox" to "lc-checkbox-unchecked"

revIDEStartTutorial "First Run", “"Hello World", "App Lesson"

 revIDESubscribe "ideTutorialProgressChanged"

revIDEStartTutorial "First Run", “"Hello World", "App Lesson"

put revEnvironmentEditionProperty("start_center_tile_color_step")

revIDEStartTutorial "First Run", "Hello World", "App Lesson"
"To Do List"
"BMI Calculator"
"Combining Text"

if revIDETutorialInProgress() is empty then evIDEUnsubscribe "ideTutorialProgressChanged"




revIDESubscribe "ideDesktopChanged"

revIDEOpenStack tFileData["filename"]

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Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

Post by richmond62 »

It might not be a bad idea to be able to access preferences from the Start Up Center.
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