A few buttons...

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Re: A few buttons...

Post by tperry2x »

TerryL wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2024 6:33 pm How many individual OXT Lite 1.07 auto-updates have been pushed, by platform? Just how many active Mac users are there really?
I don't keep logs of that, and the update doesn't do any telemetry reporting or anything sneaky like that (I'm not Microsoft), however I can give you an idea from my cpanel where the update script has been read from - it's been loaded over 860 times in the last month. That could be a mixture of people on Linux, MacOS and Windows - but it's hard to imagine that those 860 amount to the same bunch of users each time.
For example, that update where it grabs over 100 files - that counts as 1 update lookup check, so 860+ of those...

I have noticed a trend though. Every zip file example that you might find on the LCC (mothership forum), which Richmond will occasionally reference as "learning from across the way #", those zip files - when unzipped they usually have a "__MACOSX" folder, implying that the zip file has been made on a mac - so I think there must be lots of Mac users, then windows users, and Linux is probably the minority - unless everyone is running it on Raspberry PI's or something like that in coding classes (that would be nice, but highly doubtful).
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Re: A few buttons...

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

richmond62 wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2024 9:18 am renamed it com.livecode.interface.classic.OvalButton.tsv

and mucked around with it, to no avail: although an 'invisible' button (with the tooltip 'Oval Button') did appear on the Tools palette.
It needs a corresponding file: com.livecode.interface.classic.OvalButton.png in the appropriate 'theme' folder (my DPE version IDE has only a single icon 'theme'-set used on all platforms) in order for the object to have an icon in the Tools palette. You could just duplicate and rename the one for the Oval Graphic object for this one.
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Re: A few buttons...

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

richmond62 wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2024 9:16 am Parenthetically: does anyone know why LibreOffice opens .tsv files, but on performing a 'Save As' offers .csv, but not .tsv (even if the original document was TAB delimited) and one has to edit the suffix to .tsv?
I haven't used LibreOffice in some time, and don't have it installed currently.
I will offer this WARNING: You have to be careful when importing and exporting these particular .tsv files with various spread-sheet like programs. Some of these .tsv files that the IDE reads at startup have a sort of 'header' at the top of the file, along with the 'column' names, which provides some additional info used by the Tools palette's scripts. You don't want to lose that extra information during conversions and also it may interfere with an App's tsv import functionality (although I think most Apps would just treat the extra lines as regular rows/columns, same as all of the other lines). Some Apps (like Apple's 'Numbers.app') will default the output to quoted strings for 'elements' of the output TSV file, which might interfere (or break) Property Inspector scripts (specifically 'Enums' comma-separated lists that the PI menus are built with).
I will usually examine/clean-up the text of the exported .TSV in a code editor (Pulsar, VSStudio, etc.) and compare it to original or similar file of the IDE to make sure the formatting is matching.
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Re: A few buttons...

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

richmond62 wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2024 9:21 am Ooooh: and while I am 'here' how about an ability to apply bevel edges to buttons?
You mean a beveled button as ready to use, pre-made 'new-classic controls'?

You can already (or still) make beveled buttons by setting properties on a rectangle button
Screen Shot 2024-09-26 at 9.04.31 AM.png
Screen Shot 2024-09-26 at 9.04.31 AM.png (10.66 KiB) Viewed 6777 times
Buttons with these properties set, will by default auto-swap the top bevel color and the bottom bevel color, which gives it a sort of Embossed-to-Debbosed (inset) look.

And you can also use effects properties to try to get a smoothed edges beveled look with roundRect buttons.
Screen Shot 2024-09-26 at 9.04.52 AM.png
Screen Shot 2024-09-26 at 9.04.52 AM.png (16.35 KiB) Viewed 6777 times
(482 Bytes) Downloaded 164 times
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