The basis for an xtalk engine we control

A place to discuss any and all xTalk implementations, not just LC LCC Forks, but HyperCard, SuperCard, MetaCard, Gain Momentum, Oracle MediaTalk, OpenXION, etc.
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Re: The basis for an xtalk engine we control

Post by tperry2x »

I've been doing some more work on this, and as I show in these screenshots, I now have a headache. But it's coming along nicely.
answer dialog.png
answer dialog.png (22.92 KiB) Viewed 3825 times
ask-dialog.png (32.87 KiB) Viewed 3825 times
Does not need a degree in advanced computing to start using it. You would just open the index in a browser.
this.png (60.64 KiB) Viewed 3823 times
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Re: The basis for an xtalk engine we control

Post by tperry2x »

Probably the most boring 5 minutes, 35 seconds of your life... but at about 4:52 in the video, that might interest Paul :D
Demo video of the HTML interpreter test.

I will add though, that I don't owe anyone anything for any of this work I've done on my browser interpreter. Running it fully in offline mode. It doesn't use anyone's existing library, and no parts of some github project either.

Keeping with my methodology that software should not be sneaky: should not gather data about a user or their computer without asking, and should not 'phone home': this also strictly sticks to those principles.

I'm allowed to assign any type of license to it I see fit: it's all my own work. I'm still adding all elements of the hypertalk language to the interpreter. Tested on MacOS, Windows and Linux - both locally and via an online instance. All good so far, (if anyone is even slightly interested).

I've been adding some more syntax to my browser engine.
(73.31 KiB) Downloaded 21 times
Release notes so far:
release notes.pdf
(249.18 KiB) Downloaded 26 times
Only seems to be me bothered about it, so I'll just continue with it for my own amusement.
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Re: The basis for an xtalk engine we control

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

tperry2x wrote: Fri Feb 07, 2025 2:22 pm I've been doing some more work on this, and as I show in these screenshots, I now have a headache. But it's coming along nicely.
answer dialog.png

Does not need a degree in advanced computing to start using it. You would just open the index in a browser.
Nice! I'll be checking this out as soon as I get a minute.
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Re: The basis for an xtalk engine we control

Post by dandandandan »

Is the source posted on GitHub? Maybe I can give you a hand.
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Re: The basis for an xtalk engine we control

Post by richmond62 »

No: That's NOT Bob Geldoff: it's probably someone who did some SERFing in the past.

Personally one of my heroes (probably why he avoids me like the plague), and definitely, 100%, a person you want to accept offers like that from. 8-)
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Re: The basis for an xtalk engine we control

Post by tperry2x »

I now at least know that my javascript hypertalk (xtalk) interpreter isn't a lost cause. It has legs, as they say.
So I've been expanding it further:
ask-password-test.png (40.17 KiB) Viewed 3466 times
ask-list.png (12.31 KiB) Viewed 3466 times
The xTalk script to generate that user password dialog is as simple as:

Code: Select all

ask password "Complete registration:" with "username,email,password,confirm password"
put it
The other one as a list, easier still:
added the "ask list" option:

Code: Select all

put "item 1" & return & "item 2" & return & "item 3" into treturndelimitedList
ask list "Please pick an item:" with treturndelimitedList
put it
Oh, and don't worry - you won't have to register to use this. My aim is it will be free, as I previously stated. I'll work out the legalese BS at some point license wise, but it's early days.

(16 views in the space of 7 minutes... that's good for a bot or an 'entity' isn't it) :lol:

Anyway, adding a few more bits to what it can do:
release notes.pdf
(60.11 KiB) Downloaded 9 times
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Re: The basis for an xtalk engine we control

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

Ask List ... awesome! I've been missing that a few times lately, XFCNs that did that sort of List Dialog Box that is (I think Frederic Rinaldi had one called listSelect, or probably fullListSelect). Oracle Media Objects (aka 'Plus') had something like that built-in to its engine with syntax like 'pick <list>'.

I was looking at some info on interpreters tonight, probably you have seem some of the same infos, but FYI good info / eBook here:
Also looking at this here Smalltalk to JS transpiler written in typescript that skips the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) bits of the process:
Smalltalk lang has very few reserved words so it's not all that much to look through.
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