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A place to discuss and plan OpenSource xTalk (not exclusively LCC based) and Community Builds of LCC
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Replying to myself... I found the section of code that overwrites the unique new control name.
Here's the corrected revIDECreateObject handler in the revIDELibrary stack (fix for LC bugzilla #21631)
on revIDECreateObject pObjectTypeID, pTarget, pLoc
if not __objectTypeIsControl(pObjectTypeID) then
return __revIDEError("Object must be a control")
end if
if not exists(pTarget) then return __revIDEError("Cannot create object. Target does not exist: " && pTarget)
if not pObjectTypeID begins with "com.livecode" then return __revIDEError("No such object type ID: " && pTarget)
if sClassicObjectProperties is empty then __objectPropertiesRead
# Set the default stack to the target we're creating the object on
set the defaultstack to revIDEStackOfObject(pTarget)
if pLoc is empty then
put the loc of this card of the defaultStack into pLoc
end if
# Create the object
lock screen
lock messages
local tPropInfoA, tObjPropsA
# Get the engine control type
if pObjectTypeID begins with "com.livecode.interface.classic" then
local tCreatedControlID
# Create data grid
if pObjectTypeID begins with "com.livecode.interface.classic.DataGrid" then
-- data grid library expects a rect rather than a loc
local tCreateRect
put round(the cTabButtonWidth of stack "revPreferences" / 2), round(the cTabButtonHeight of stack "revPreferences" / 2) into tCreateRect
put item 1 of tCreateRect + the cTabButtonWidth of stack "revPreferences" into item 3 of tCreateRect
put item 2 of tCreateRect + the cTabButtonHeight of stack "revPreferences" into item 4 of tCreateRect
local lDataGrid
put true into lDataGrid -- select data grid at end not single control
unlock messages
# tObjectId is passed by reference and will have the data grid group id placed into it
addDataGridToStack the short name of this stack, tCreateRect, empty, empty, tCreatedControlID
local tCount
put 0 into tCount
repeat with i = 1 to the number of groups
if the dgProps["control type"] of group i is "Data Grid" then
add 1 to tCount
end if
end repeat
set the name of tCreatedControlID to (the short name of tCreatedControlID && tCount)
lock messages
local tObjectType
put sClassicObjectProperties[pObjectTypeID]["type"] into tObjectType
if tObjectType is empty then return __revIDEError("Invalid classic control type ID: " && pTarget)
# A classic control
do "create" && tObjectType
put the long ID of the last control into tCreatedControlID
end if
put sClassicObjectProperties[pObjectTypeID]["properties"] into tObjPropsA
# Not a classic control
if pObjectTypeID is "com.livecode.widget.native.map" and the platform is "MacOS" and (revIDEPlatformVersion() begins with "10.9" or revIDEPlatformVersion() begins with "10.10") then
local tMessage
put "The Mac MapKit API is supported from OS X 10.9 onwards, but Apple restricts use of the API on 10.9 and 10.10 to apps which are distributed from the Mac AppStore with an appropriate entitlement. " & \
"Due to this, general use of the Map widget only supports OS X 10.11 onwards. " & CR & CR & \
"However, you can still create a standalone with the Map widget on OSX 10.9 or 10.10 (of course you will see an empty grid rather than the actual map), " & \
" BUT this standalone will run as expected on OSX 10.11 and above." into tMessage
answer warning revIDELocalise(tMessage) with "Cancel" and "Continue"
if it is "Cancel" then exit revIDECreateObject
end if
create widget as pObjectTypeID
put the long id of the last control into tCreatedControlID
put revIDEExtensionProperties(pObjectTypeID, false) into tObjPropsA
union tObjPropsA with sClassicObjectProperties["com.livecode.interface.classic.widget"]["properties"]
local tSize
put revIDEExtensionProperty(pObjectTypeID, "preferredsize") into tSize
if tSize is not empty then
put item 1 of tSize into tObjPropsA["width"]["default"]
put item 2 of tSize into tObjPropsA["height"]["default"]
end if
catch tError
return false
end try
end if
__setPropertiesToDefaults tCreatedControlID, tObjPropsA
## Set the size of the object to the size set in the Preferences
__setSizeToPreference tCreatedControlID, pObjectTypeID
# start of added section
local tObjectNumber, tObjectName
set the itemDelimiter to "."
put 1 into tObjectNumber
put item -1 of tObjectType & tObjectNumber into tObjectName
repeat while there is a control tObjectName
add 1 to tObjectNumber
put item -1 of tObjectType & tObjectNumber into tObjectName
end repeat
set the name of the last control to tObjectName
#end of added section
set the loc of tCreatedControlID to pLoc
unlock messages
unlock screen
## Prevent passing of ideNewControl message for objects created on IDE stacks
if revIDEObjectIsOnIDEStack(tCreatedControlID) is false then
// AL-2015-04-08: [[ Bug 14822 ]] Ensure 'edited' status of stack is set
revIDESetEdited the short name of this stack
ideMessageSend "ideNewControl", tCreatedControlID
end if
return tCreatedControlID
end revIDECreateObject
That's brilliant. Thanks Mark.
I've incorporated this into OXT Lite and it'll be in an update soon.
Many thanks - now all new objects created have unique names (rather than just being called 'button' for example).
I'll credit you in the release notes too
# start of added section
local tObjectNumber, tObjectName
set the itemDelimiter to "."
put 1 into tObjectNumber
put item -1 of tObjectType & " " & tObjectNumber into tObjectName
repeat while there is a control tObjectName
add 1 to tObjectNumber
put item -1 of tObjectType & " " & tObjectNumber into tObjectName
end repeat
set the name of the last control to tObjectName
#end of added section
You'll note, I did tweak your code very slightly - just to put a space before the number, so "button1" "button2" becomes "button 1" "button 2" for example.
The object type is passed as a parameter to the handler, but it has to be one of the defined types: either a "classic" control or one of the available widgets. So you can't create a new dinosaur 1, for example, unless you have a dinosaur widget.
Although we could have an optional trailing parameter to supply a new object type name for the new control.
Is there a use case for this?
Right. I understand that. It's just that renaming at this stage in the IDElibrary stack in a handler that's only called from the tools stack when you drag a control onto a target stack doesn't sound like the best place to have that action.
# start of added section
local tObjectNumber, tObjectName
set the itemDelimiter to "."
put 1 into tObjectNumber
put item -1 of tObjectType & " '" & tObjectNumber & "'" into tObjectName
repeat while there is a control tObjectName
add 1 to tObjectNumber
put item -1 of tObjectType & " '" & tObjectNumber & "'" into tObjectName
end repeat
set the name of the last control to tObjectName
#end of added section
# start of added section
put char (the number of chars in the seconds -4) to (the number of chars in the seconds) of the seconds into tLastFourChars
put "ABCDEFGHI" into tAlp9
put 0 into xCount
repeat 4
add 1 to xCount
put char xCount of tLastFourChars into tNumSec
put char tNumSec of tAlp9 into tChosenAlpha
put tChosenAlpha into char xCount of tLastFourChars
end repeat
put random(4) into tRandChar
put random(9) into char tRandChar of tLastFourChars
set the name of tCreatedControlID to (tObjectType & " " & tLastFourChars)
#end of added section
Gives you:
dont-give-me-names.png (8.21 KiB) Viewed 3475 times
mwieder wrote: ↑Wed Jul 17, 2024 6:23 pm
Leaving out that space accomplishes the same thing, no?
Well, I kind of thought so - until I spotted the button name on Windows. Because the windows system font is so innacurate, it's sometimes hard to tell if you have a space or not, so I was trying to at least make it uniform.
I guess another way would be to have it label as button A, button B and so on...
micmac wrote: ↑Wed Jul 17, 2024 8:38 pm
It can be an advantage to quickly have a lot of button (with a unique name) that have sequential numbers
Then they all can be addressed with a "repeat with i = 1 to tNumber"
I probably missed a key post earlier. Are we talking about a tool for the user to choose to apply to a selection of objects as needed, or a default IDE behavior?
The former would be useful.
If the latter, I can't remember the last time the IDE chose to name an object in a way that correctly guessed what I wanted.
But I do recall when the IDE insists on adding names in the inspector to objects that have no name, and how it requires a small extra effort to select it when I want to actually name it. That's pretty much every day I'm LC. And that's among the reasons I rarely use their tools.
mwieder wrote: ↑Thu Jul 18, 2024 12:22 am
Ah. So don't even bother naming the control on creation since it'll have to be renamed anyway.
That makes some sense.
IIRC leaving unnamed controls unnamed until the user chooses to name them was how HC, SC, OMO, Gain, Toolbook, MetaCard, and early Revolution worked.
Presumably if you 'just' want to stop the IDE always calling new button 'Button' you can edit things in the TAB delimited text file /Contents/Tools?Toolset/resources/supporting_files/property_definitions/com.livecode.interface.classic.Button.tsv, changing 'Button' to 'FishFace' or whatever you want?
Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 17.35.23.png (357.01 KiB) Viewed 3455 times
A bloody stupid one word edit proves the point:
Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 17.43.54.png (65.55 KiB) Viewed 3455 times
What is interesting is that I wonder if I mod one of those TAB delimited files in LibreOffice and rename it, if that should not be enough to produce a new object?????