On the subject of promoting the OpenXTalk initiative, one might try searching for related articles, videos. reddit threads, etc. and comment about OXT in their comments section. I fairly regularly still find mentions of fond memories about HyperCard, and of course there are always people in those comments sections lamenting the lack of a modern equivalent to HyperCard.
I'm totally in favor of embracing the HyperCard/xTalk heritage, while others have seemed to want to distance themselves from that legacy for some reason. In two and a half years time it will be the 40th anniversary of HyperCard / xTalk so maybe we should plan some sort of promotional campaign for that?
Here's one I just found from a year ago, focused on Decker, which I consider an xCard though its scripting language ('Lil') is an array focused language but not quite xTalk:
https://intfiction.org/t/decker-an-open ... f/60473/10