... 23#p102423
This stack manually parses Resource Forks data from files created by macOS 'classic'/carbon.PaulDaMacMan wrote: ↑Tue Apr 29, 2014 6:56 am So, I've really been getting into LiveCode lately and have set out to bringing my old Hypercard projects into this century. When I realized how much I relied on Externals (XCMDs/XFCNs) back then, I decided I would try to replace those externals with my own native functions and commands. I used a lot of Frederic Rinaldi's externals and did a lot of moving stuff in and out of the mac resource forks in particular (GetRes, resText, textRes, fullResSomethingOrOther). I found resfile:/ url syntax in the LC dictionary and had already been playing with binfile: parsing a bit, The end result was a stack that decodes / dumps all of a Mac files resource fork data into a field whilst labeling it and such. Parsing the res-fork raw based on some old scanned pages from "Inside The Macintosh". Half way though this project I suddenly found the copyResource, deleteResource, getResource, getResources, and setResource syntax in the LC dictionary! UH DUH!!! Wow, did I feel stupid and angry at myself for wasting my time, but decided to finish it anyway! Here it is, "FullResForkDump". If nothing else it is a good example of using the binaryDecode function.
Not real useful in 2024 but it does contain examples of reading binary data, using 'resfile://', binaryDecode, baseConvert etc.