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Post by tperry2x »

I've decided to make this an announcement. The reason being that anyone can see the list of current jobs to do in OpenXTalk Lite, rather than hunting through multiple previous posts.

(fixed)Richmond reports a bug on the message box not getting focus (in Ubuntu Linux). Will check this out and look into it.
(fixed) Discovered "Start using font file" is broken under Linux.
(fixed) Engine now compiles under Linux (no longer has registration requirement).
(fixed)20-11-2023: Video player VERY broken. Update Oct 2024: Issue solved - built in Linux dependency checks narrow down what's needed in prefs now.
(mitigated)Browser widget VERY broken. I suggested replacing with an alternative to the CEF engine based on webkit or lightweight alternative. (edit: progress, see here)
Thoughts on replacements for CEF: https://endorphinbrowser.github.io/ and http://www.netsurf-browser.org/
(still to do) It's possible to crash the IDE (engine) if you switch GTK appearance themes while it's running.

(fixed) 20-11-2023: Theme support - light/dark mode. (manual switching)
(fixed) Codesigning issues under MacOS.Paul knows more about this than I will ever understand :( (I'm getting a handle on it though, and MIGHT be making progress) here and also here.
(still to do) Mac menubar issue. The patch for MacOS Sonoma works to solve this issue, but intermittently draws an 'exit' menu instead of expected 'Quit' - at least it runs! Update: It also causes random image corruption in MacOS standalones, so the patch has been removed as of OXT Lite 1.04. This is properly fixed via the 9.7 engine source, but see compile errors under MacOS.
(still to do) Managed to crash the IDE under MacOS with the onscreen keyboard viewer: Intermittent sudden crash on MacOS if using on-screen keyboard viewer. Found exists in MacOS 10.15.7 Catalina. May be an issue for previous versions of MacOs, and higher versions too (?)
(still to do)Under "Sonoma", date and time formats may be reported by the engine incorrectly.
(fixed)MacOS 11 (and above) reports the SystemVersion incorrectly. viewtopic.php?p=4631#p4631
(fixed)]Under MacOS 11 Big Sur, displaying a dialog as a sheet may not display as a sheet viewtopic.php?p=5715#p5715
(fixed)MacOS 11 (and above) Displays this error in v0.98 *fixed in 0.99 (refined further in 1.01) - this is what happens on MacOS if you inadvertently use shortcuts mentioned elsewhere in the IDE (two stacks both trying to set conflicting shortcuts at the same time). Thanks to overclockedmind for finding this. viewtopic.php?p=5880#p5880
(still to do) X and Y Co-ordinates are incorrect for multi-screen macOS systems. (Error identified in-engine), but can't compile the engine for Mac currently (14-4-24).
(still to do) Placing multiple buttons and progress bars on a card causes slight slowdowns on macOS 10.10 onwards. (This C++ function needs fixing in the engine).
(still to do) When opening the IDE menus on macOS, there's an initial delay to do with the Apple NSMenu code.
(still to do) The engine will intermittently crash when accessing the camera or microphone on recent versions of macOS X.
(still to do) Scripts which run without locking the screen (macOS Big Sur and later), run slower than they should. (This is due to a loop in the engine that only affects MacOS 11+)
(fixed) MacOS grouping bug in OXT Lite (more pronounced), slight issue in OXT 'heavy', and weird intermittent arrange issues in LCC.
(fixed) MacOS dragging group - spontaneous crash, (MacOS 12.7.5 - not seemingly in MacOS 12.7.4)
(still to do) Mac implementation of the engine uses incorrect UI elements, (mac example here - Paul mentions replacing these in this post).

(partial fix) dark mode on Windows not correct. Title bars have wrong focus colour when in background viewtopic.php?p=5749#p5749
(still to do)revCopyFile is blocked in windows 10 under UAC (PDF copy showing the discussion)
(still to do)Windows 11 UI elements render as Windows 10 ones.
(still to do) High CPU use when editing scripts in Windows that are thousands of lines long. (This issue is hardly apparent in Linux and MacOS) viewtopic.php?p=5793#p5793
(fixed) 9.7.0-dp1 engine now compiles under Windows (no longer has registration requirement), as of 5/11/2024

(fixed) 20-11-2023: Engine has major vulnerabilities (outdated libURL, libGTK, memory buffer overflow, and memory leak noted & fixed in LC 9.6.11, but we can't use this as don't have access to the source). Probably has a lot of linked in libs at compiler stage that should now be considered vulnerable to exploits until proven otherwise.https://openxtalk.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2003#p2003 - fixed, updated libs with patched ones for Linux and Windows. Mac version pending... (but source and libs are patched).
(still to do)(Engine does not support ARM macs (only via Rosetta 2, but this will be dropped when Apple moves purely over to ARM - longer-term consideration). *I'm not mentioning this any more viewtopic.php?p=5790#p5790
(still to do)Engine uses incorrect UI elements, as mentioned above in Mac and Windows sections.
(fixed) (I believe to recompile the engine, we first need to make sure gyp is working)
(fixed) Engine compiles under Linux (no longer has registration requirement).
(still to do) Engine won't compile under MacOS, about 135 errors + warnings in xCode... viewtopic.php?p=6958#p6958
(still to do) The 9.7.0-dp1 Engine compiles under windows and Linux without warnings and errors. The Mac version is still on the 9.6.3 engine, as it has lots of issues hilighted by xCode which point to memory segmentation faults.
(still to do) CEF needs updating
(still to do) If anyone is interested in compiling a LCC9.x or OXT compatible runtime for Raspberry PIs, please feel free!

Common IDE issues (between all platforms)
(fixed)Foxtrot47 identified an issue with grid spacing not applying correctly. Fixed 25-11-23
(fixed)Geometry bug, as reported by TerryL viewtopic.php?p=4773#p4773 fixed at viewtopic.php?p=4966#p4966
(fixed)menubar stack not appearing on the correct monitor, with multiple monitors. Reported by foxtrot47 viewtopic.php?p=4755#p4755 and viewtopic.php?p=4774#p4774
(fixed) Stacks "helpfully" remember their position (global xy co-ordinates), however if this is on a secondary screen then the screen later unplugged, there is no check currently to see if the opened stack is within the visible area. (fixed for Win and Linux in engine 9.7dp0 - Part of OXT Lite 1.04. Not fixed under MacOS)
(fixed)Answer and Ask dialogs did not show the OXT icon (micmac & terryL reported). viewtopic.php?p=4897#p4897
(fixed)Slightly different to the Grid spacing error above, I noticed that the grid setting wasn't remembered between launches. Fixed 2-12-23 viewtopic.php?p=4919#p4919
(fixed)Issue reported by TerryL - Menu Builder stack was not functional. viewtopic.php?p=5050#p5050 Resolved by TerryL viewtopic.php?p=5089#p5089. Thanks Terry. This will be included in 0.96
(fixed)TerryL mentioned the Preview scale of the 'Report Builder' stack. viewtopic.php?p=5025#p5025. I have hopefully resolved this with the addition of a preview slider option:viewtopic.php?p=5093#p5093
(still to do) It is possible to crash the IDE by pasting in certain characters, see viewtopic.php?p=5716#p5716
(fixed) It is possible that non-LC widgets may be blocked in the IDE. This can be resolved by commenting out a line as per viewtopic.php?p=5717#p5717
(still to do) Flipping or rotating a gif image in the IDE destroys all the animation frames (Thanks to Paul for reporting). Tried to mitigate by disabling the options if a gif is selected, but disabling that also has the side effect of breaking the grouping function.
(fixed) Discovered paint tools were very broken. Thanks to Micmac, Richmond62. Fixed and will be in 1.04 of OXT lite.
(still to do) "Menu Builder" stack needs overhauling / totally recreating from fresh.
(still to do) The old Metacard patterns probably need to be deleted from the IDE, and perhaps the icons too. We probably don't need them. Some metacard patterns aren't selectable (same bug in LCC9.x)

Android Standalone builder:
(still to do)Does not support recent Android SDKs / not aware of anything past Android 11+.

iOS Standalone builder
(still to do)Is of course out of date now, does not know of iPadOS / iPhoneOS, and may not be compatible with newer versions of xCode.

(in progress?)Richmond is making 'hand-holding stacks', similar to the approach used in hyperstudio. There were also drafts of libreoffice written documentation previously.
(in progress?)Sample stacks, resources, and examples were previously mentioned as being worked on by Paul, as I was trying to ensure we both didn't do the same job twice. Edit: Added the ones by TerryL (Help menu > Lessons). Do we have any more?

Automatic updates
(fixed)I would argue that any program should be capable of updating itself in this day and age. This will be coming to version 0.95 and is in the works already! (done) https://openxtalk.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=4772#p4772
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Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

tperry2x wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2023 7:41 am I've decided to make this an announcement. The reason being that anyone can see the list of current jobs to do in OpenXTalk Lite, rather than hunting through multiple previous posts.
I changed this topic from being set to global (it was showing in the "Off Topic" forum), in case you're looking for it some place else. Sticky'd and lock again.

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