Seriously crappy spelling . . .

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Seriously crappy spelling . . .

Post by richmond62 »

. . . does NOT give a good impression at all.

"The OpenXTalk project was derived from the crowd-funded and open-source LiveCode Community Edition which is no longer suppoerted by LiveCode Ltd. If you'd like to try LiveCode Ltd.'s commercial product called LiveCode, there is an available to downlod at thier site:"

Underlining is mine.
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Re: Seriously crappy spelling . . .

Post by tperry2x »

Please pass on to Paul or Seth Morrow as a private message, as I don't have access to that part.
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Re: Seriously crappy spelling . . .

Post by richmond62 »

Please pass on to Paul
Well, I will, although I'm not going to hold my breath in that respect.

Has not read a message sent to him 5 days ago [admittedly about something that is now history] . . .
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Re: Seriously crappy spelling . . .

Post by richmond62 »

Mind you, as that seriously crappy spelling is on an extremely crappy and uninviting web-page it is of minor importance.

What should happen 'yesterday' is a web page singing the glories of OXT with some illustrative stuff.
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Re: Seriously crappy spelling . . .

Post by tperry2x »

richmond62 wrote: Mon Nov 27, 2023 10:39 am What should happen 'yesterday' is a web page singing the glories of OXT with some illustrative stuff.
Absolutely. Video demos, youtube channels, example code people can download. Yes, definitely.
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Re: Seriously crappy spelling . . .

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

"What should happen 'yesterday' is a web page singing the glories of OXT with some illustrative stuff."
I fully agree, I'll add "develop impressive professional Web 3.0 animated website" to my spare-time to-do list. :lol:

I did actually fixed those spelling errors (mostly due to not having time to proof read it), on that HTML 1.0 1990s compatible website (search "HTML ONLY! Web", apparently kids today find that difficult to make plain HTML pages these days, for some reason?).

I also update the main page to have a menu bar and added an xTalk Related Links page here:

Feel free to proof read my misspelling prone work some more!

I may move some web pages to be hosted on GitHub and then anyone who can use GitHub's basic editor web UI could contribute the OXT project pages more easily. The links page is practically one of those "Awesome Whatever" links sites ("Awesome Lua" for example) commonly found in GitHub repos.

Of course people are welcome to send in a fully formed whizz-bang Web 3.0 website they built with Dreamweaver (I know that's on the outs) or whatever other editor as well.
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