Sneaky LEGO characters

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Re: Sneaky LEGO characters

Post by tperry2x »

That is very strange.
Can't say I've ever managed to get it to look like that.

I'll do some testing at this end.
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Re: Sneaky LEGO characters

Post by tperry2x »

So yes, weird. I can't get it to behave like that for me.
This is what is should do: ... arance.m4v

(Mac OS Catalina)
So, I think I'll upload a new version. I'll call it 0.93 to avoid any version confusion.
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Re: Sneaky LEGO characters

Post by richmond62 »

Popping the numbers up would be a great service as I got my knickers in a right twist yesterday with various "0.92" versions. 8-)
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Re: Sneaky LEGO characters

Post by tperry2x »

No problem.
I'll have to look at that tomorrow evening, as unfortunately won't have a chance until then.

I'm in two minds to try codesigning it. The last time I tried, it corrupted everything. I think I'll leave the codesigning out for fear of stuffing it up.
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Re: Sneaky LEGO characters

Post by richmond62 »

Why not bung a read-me in your DMG with:

1. A note telling end-users to do the code-signing at their end.

2. The 'How to do it" supplied by Tom.
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Re: Sneaky LEGO characters

Post by tperry2x »

richmond62 wrote: Wed Nov 01, 2023 5:59 pm Why not bung a read-me in your DMG with:
1. A note telling end-users to do the code-signing at their end.
2. The 'How to do it" supplied by Tom.
Will do.
I'm just checking that the theming is as robust as I can make it.
Making sure that no matter what I do, I can't confuse it:
theming-large.gif (1.37 MiB) Viewed 10215 times
Before I make this a 0.93 download, I want to test fully with MacOS and Windows, which hopefully I'll do tomorrow.
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Re: Sneaky LEGO characters

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

Nothing is amiss with me and the community. You didn't offend me, I'm not at all easily offended, rather I thought I may have offended with the use o the word 'Lame' which Is a word I probably use more flippantly then most people.

If I go silent online, its most likely that I'm just really busy with real-life things.

I have no problem with you guys working on OXT Lite or anything you'd like, that IS after all what's great about Open Source!
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Re: Sneaky LEGO characters

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

I will say that building up OpenXION into something with a GUI/IDE would involve a lots of work. It took me several days work to get it to use AppleScript Dialogs for the 'Answer/Ask' syntax (but it does work fairly well).
Maybe could take a short-cut, try to merge it with 'PythonCard' or something like that.

StackSmith's xTalk (Hammer) interpreter is similarly abstracted from its UI, and could be compiled (C++) for other platforms.
And there's a few others that could be worked from, such as ViperCard, HyperHello, etc.
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Re: Sneaky LEGO characters

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

Also the reason those Runtimes folders are large is because they (with the exception of macOS version) ALSO contain their own copies of CEF for different platforms. The main runtime binaries by themselves are (without checking) all less than 20mb.
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Re: Sneaky LEGO characters

Post by tperry2x »

OpenXTalkPaul wrote: Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:56 am Also the reason those Runtimes folders are large is because they ALSO contain their own copies of CEF for different platforms.
Because these CEF engines seem (at least as far as I've tested), to be very broken on Linux, I'd like to throw them away for at least the linux build.
What did you think about my idea of using an alternative web rendering engine? Is it even feasible in your opinion?
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Re: Sneaky LEGO characters

Post by tperry2x »

richmond62 wrote: Wed Nov 01, 2023 5:59 pm Why not bung a read-me in your DMG with:
1. A note telling end-users to do the code-signing at their end.
2. The 'How to do it" supplied by Tom.
I'm thinking something along the lines of: (will change the version number in the readme)

Code: Select all

Please unzip the file inside this dmg onto your desktop.
You should be left with an "OpenXTalk Lite".

Please move this to your Applications folder.

When you attempt to open this, you may get an error on MacOS.
The error may read "This application is damaged" and will show the option to "move to bin"

This is because OpenXTalk is at present an unsigned application, and this alert is from Gatekeeper.
Rest assured, the app is not damaged.

You could first try and exclude this from Gatekeeper by opening Terminal, and running:
xattr -d -r "/Applications/OpenXTalk Lite"

You could then try right-clicking the app and choosing 'Open'.

If this doesn't work, you could try manually codesigning the app again:
sudo codesign -f -s- --deep "/Applications/OpenXTalk Lite"

Then try right-clicking the app and choosing 'Open'.

As a final resort, you could try disabling gatekeeper entirely (if you are happy to do so), with:
sudo spctl --master-disable
Various hoops to jump through, just to get it to open on the mac. THIS ^ is why I'm feeling a bit burnt out, and I now leave any mac changes until the last moment.
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Re: Sneaky LEGO characters

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

tperry2x wrote: Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:54 am
OpenXTalkPaul wrote: Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:56 am Also the reason those Runtimes folders are large is because they ALSO contain their own copies of CEF for different platforms.
Because these CEF engines seem (at least as far as I've tested), to be very broken on Linux, I'd like to throw them away for at least the linux build.
What did you think about my idea of using an alternative web rendering engine? Is it even feasible in your opinion?
I haven't had a lot of issues with CEF on the main distros that I've used most, which have been Ubuntu Studio ( low latency kernel) KDE Plasma & Xubuntu (XFCE), but I would like to figure out exactly what the issue is, and exactly which Window Manager, compositor or whatever that causes the problems. The CEFs that's are in there currently are two years old, and need to be updated if they're going to stay in OXT.

I think its completely be possible to replace CEF with something else like WebKit, the same way it was replaced in the Mac version when the Browser Widget was introduced ( we have something of a guide for how to do it). If I recall correctly, this is what Team LC has since done with Win/Linux version.
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Re: Sneaky LEGO characters

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

richmond62 wrote: Mon Oct 30, 2023 7:38 pm And here he is, hiding in full sight:
/Contents/Tools/Toolset/palettes/start center/images . . .
I replaced that character at one point with a Lego version of Steven Wilson (of the band Porcupine Tree) that some other PT fan made.
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