General 'natural' language 'programming', not strictly xTalk

A place to discuss any and all xTalk implementations, not just LC LCC Forks, but HyperCard, SuperCard, MetaCard, Gain Momentum, Oracle MediaTalk, OpenXION, etc.
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General 'natural' language 'programming', not strictly xTalk

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

I'm interested 'natural language' programming in general. That's basically the idea that is key to the appeal of xTalk scripting and similar (AppleScript), is it not? That's why I think the language model AI stuff is great. Brings humankind another step closer to StarTrek-ship-computer-like verbal interface computing (if you have dictation input turned on).

Here's a python thing that allows you to do ChatGPT 'coding' from the terminal:
Check out some of the examples.
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