Material Design Icons OpenXTalk library

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Material Design Icons OpenXTalk library

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

On a whim I made a new library, which was mostly just finagling data into script format.
It's called OXT Material Designs library, and it consists of SVG path data for 6,063 Icons from Google's FOSS friendly (Apache 2.0 license) Material Design Icons project.

Once this was formatted into a library and working, I made useful demo stack that allows you to drag and drop the Icon from the demo palette onto your stacks (as Icon SVG widgets) as seen in the attached screenshot.

This was originally going to be written in Extension Builder, but I hit a 10,000 code lines limit in its compiler, lol. I'll look into removing that limit at some point, but for now this library works fine as a regular-old xTalk script-only library stack. It's very big for a script library, 2.5Mb uncompressed, 749k compressed (that includes demo stack and other files), but it's surprisingly fast!

6,063 cross-platform Icons for use in whatever you want (as opposed to some of Apple's SF Symbols having use restrictions attached) is a pretty nice thing for an IDE to have and should help a lot with prototyping software or web sites.

Of course the Apple Imaging Library I've worked up the last couple of weeks can now also pull in Apple's System SF Symbols/glyphs and convert to PNG or whatever, but that mostly only helps macOS users whereas this Material Icons lib can be used on all platforms.
Screenshot 2023-03-08.png
Screenshot 2023-03-08.png (452.02 KiB) Viewed 7768 times
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Re: Material Design Icons OpenXTalk library

Post by richmond62 »

That's super: where can the stack be downloaded?
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