Nov. 9th

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Re: Nov. 9th

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

richmond62 wrote: Fri Nov 11, 2022 1:33 pm Assume that this:
Screen Shot 2022-11-11 at 3.35.27 PM.png
Screen Shot 2022-11-11 at 3.34.35 PM.png
will open something that does NOT mention 'LiveCode'.
Correct, that text is pulled in from external files that live in the IDE's palettes->tutorials folder, which have indeed been edited in OXT.

That little tutorial API is really kind of a nice, but seems a bit neglected.

OXT includes this Tutorial APIs Guide in the Dictionary -> Guides section.

Also StartCenter is currently needs some additional scripting to re-hooked up support for stopping a tutorial better (in certain situations).
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Re: Nov. 9th

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

richmond62 wrote: Thu Nov 10, 2022 8:08 am 95% fantastic . . .


1. 'Funny' film:
Screen Shot 2022-11-10 at 10.08.36 AM.png
2. Err . . . resEdit?
Screen Shot 2022-11-10 at 10.09.07 AM.png
This default video clip is also pulled in from external file in the IDE's tools -> resources folder.

In fact it seems that embedded videClips are longer playable, although the data still gets embedded into the Stack file.

OXT is currently using a real small (about 0.8mb) MPEG demo clip I found in the Public Domain.
Alternatively I also converted StackSmith's default video clip, a higher resolution but sound-less sequence of animated shapes with the word "Movie" above it (1.1mb as mpg).
If anyone would like to create a small (1-5mb) animated video for possible use in becoming part of OXT IDE, PLEASE DO! Then upload it here so we can pick it apart (JK ;) )!

The player default filename property comes from a handler, so that script could be edited to randomly select different video files from that resource folder when a new player control scriptObject gets created (slight nod to Dan Gelder's unreleased Serf xTalk beta), then we could include a few different videos, perhaps that later develops into to a full-blown xTalk-centric content management system type API or something, who knows!
Screen Shot 2022-11-11 at 11.17.25 AM.png
Screen Shot 2022-11-11 at 11.17.25 AM.png (903.5 KiB) Viewed 10677 times

2. is ResEdit 'inspired' to be accurate, this is actually an SVG Path string that I created for use as an icon indicating any sort of xTalk Resource (stack, library, extension, external, etc.). I call him ResEddy.

One time when I was a very young man RedEdit literally nearly killed me, well ResEdit and my own vices and obsessiveness, I nearly died because I fell asleep with a cigarette after coming home late (and intoxicated) and then trying to read the biblical size The Complete ResEdit book.

There are smatterings of Hyper-graphics being inserted or replacing defunct-branding, but far more than restoring some of the looks, I want to restore some of the functionality of HyperCard that has gone missing from the Meta-Rev-Live lineage this xTalk.
Obviously playSentence notation has always been an important idea to me, but there's other things that are missing or broken (Answer Record). Some things are now only functional on specific platforms. Answer Effect for example, QT may be gone but using Core Image transitions with the 'Effect' syntax still works on macOS, and built-in transition effects still work so we should have a working Answer Effect imo.

I believe speech or rather revSpeech hasn't (ever?) worked on Linux, but I know it could me made to work using JavaScript (via the an invisible Browser Widget that could be created on the fly) or just scan filesystem for a CLI interface to any Text-To-Speech API and call it with shell(). OXT WILL have its own unified cross-platforms Speech API soon which will be delegated from a 'Speak' handler (same keywords that HC used wherever possible), and in fact we already have Open-Source Extensions for NSSpeech and AVSpeech APIs on Apple platforms as well as the JavaScript solution, as soon as can get to that would be great.
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Re: Nov. 9th

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

It would be nice to have an library, API of sorts to manage Text Field Hyper-Links, most of them just use case-switch and 'launch URL' to function.
A Link list line might look like:

Code: Select all

linkPhrase & tab & linkType & linkURL & return-- or maybe a callback message to send back on mouse click
an example linkList line might look like

Code: Select all

HyperCard	URL ""

Code: Select all

Speech	Handler doSpeech
And the list could be stored as a stack or field property or any other container, parsed for use as a menu or whatever, and most importantly easily update without scrolling through volumes of case-switch script.
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Re: Nov. 9th

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

richmond62 wrote: Thu Nov 10, 2022 9:53 am This:
Screen Shot 2022-11-10 at 11.55.51 AM.png
needs to change its text when the padlock is 'unlocked'.
Good point, but I'm not sure that 'button'(widget) will exist, at least not in the same form, when this stack is not being worked on it, it's there mostly to lock the text fields so I can test the hyper-links and different display modes (Palette, Modeless)

Basically I want OXT to have user editable 'sub-Home-stack' that could also serve as its 'Welcome to xTalk" stack and so StartCenter makes a good choice for mutating into those two things-in-one.
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Re: Nov. 9th

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

richmond62 wrote: Thu Nov 10, 2022 9:50 am On Card 11, clicking on this:
Screen Shot 2022-11-10 at 11.52.22 AM.png
sets the vis of the stack to false, and shows the Extension Manager.

BUT, on closing the Extension Manager the visibility of the Start Center stack in NOT restored.
In OXT clicking the toolbar's "OpenXTalk" control on the left side of the Toolbar always open your Start Center (in your user 'My OpenXTalk' folder) or if none is found there it should open (or perhaps it should 'clone') the default Start Center stack, but I'm sure it could be made to act more-like an IDE stack (the default vs. user Start versions replacing mechanism needs more work for sure).
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Re: Nov. 9th

Post by richmond62 »

In OXT clicking the toolbar's "OpenXTalk" control on the left side of the Toolbar
Well, from my point of view at least, that's unco glaikit as we havnae precompiled executables for
Mac, Win, war Linux to see that.
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Re: Nov. 9th

Post by richmond62 »

Might not be a bad idea to have an elementary navigator on every card:
SShot 2022-11-12 at 13.34.14.png
SShot 2022-11-12 at 13.34.14.png (371.1 KiB) Viewed 10659 times
(3.5 KiB) Downloaded 361 times
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Re: Nov. 9th

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

richmond62 wrote: Sat Nov 12, 2022 11:35 am Might not be a bad idea to have an elementary navigator on every card:
Yes, good point, I did have a version of that stack that had the Pointing Finger Nav Icons (the ones from HC), but they've gone missing from the current version.

I like that lock icon
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Re: Nov. 9th

Post by richmond62 »

That's NOT a lock ICON, that's just 2 images and a script that mucks about with their visibility . 8-)
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