SmallTalk GNUStep

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SmallTalk GNUStep

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

I like GNUStep as a framework (not so much for the related Window Maker NeXTstep UX desktops).
As I've been looking at Window Managers on Linux, and GNUStep + Window Maker happened to be the one that seemed to worked with the v9 Browser Widget the best, much like it's macOS cousin (also Objective C), I've been looking at some of the things from that ecosystem again. One of the things one might overlook is that some of the apps are scriptable with StepTalk script, which much like xTalk has some roots in SmallTalk lang.

Check it out, here is a sample script for creating an open-file dialog:

Code: Select all

Environment loadModule:'AppKit'.
panel := NSOpenPanel openPanel.
runResult := panel runModal.
Transcript showLine: (panel filename).
the Transcript showLine: line outputs the result to Stdout console when running in a terminal (REPL)
Funny, that sort of resembles Swift to me 8-)

My biggest complaint about GNUStep is that it evolves at a glacial pace, but you know maybe that is actually one of it's strengths as it seems to be rock solid. I think that is mostly due to lack of interest as people associate it with an OS from the early 90s (NeXT), and then disregard it as 'retro' but it is the framework that modern macOS and other Apple OS have been built upon for a quarter century and still going,
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Re: SmallTalk GNUStep

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

...Speaking of re-engineering (in another thread)
My recently revived interest in GNUStep and related has me looking at this project again. but it now appears to be largely defunct unfortunately:
Basically it's GNUStep with some additional things added, the global menu bar always shown and in a stationary position across the top of screen, just like macOS! It's desktop UX is macOS-like, not NeXT-like. I believe since Etoile project's heyday, GNUStep has added built-in theming that can be themed this way.

I noticed one of the names attached to that project was a name that keeps coming up in my journey, and that is Uli Kusterer! (Who wrote the xTalk/xCard called StackSmith ). Apparently he wrote some things in ObjC that were included.
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Re: SmallTalk GNUStep

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

Here's the Bret Victor talk Uli mentioned in his talk:
Summary/transcript for speed-consuming (and for nearly-deaf people like me): ... stillation
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