Vintage Computer Fest - HyperCard Introduction and Experiments with Eric's Edge

A place to discuss any and all xTalk implementations, not just LC LCC Forks, but HyperCard, SuperCard, MetaCard, Gain Momentum, Oracle MediaTalk, OpenXION, etc.
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Vintage Computer Fest - HyperCard Introduction and Experiments with Eric's Edge

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

Panel from VCFMW 18 (Sept. 2023)

Eric messes up some of the history of xTalk at the start of this talk, but still it's good to see people getting into, or back into xTalk/xCard dev.
1,178 views Sep 26, 2023
‪@EricsEdgeVideos‬ and ‪@RonsCompVids‬ present a light introduction to HyperCard, where they explain what all the hype was about when it was introduced and attempt to answer the question "What's so interesting about a forty year old programming environment today?" Coverage of Eric's HyperCard experiments then follow.
Vintage Computer Festival Midwest is a free, volunteer-run show for the vintage computer hobbyist community. For more information about Vintage Computer Festival Midwest, visit

HyperCard Animation Techniques

Eric's Edge - HyperCard Two Player Games

Eric's Edge - Text Markup for Sound Effects in HyperCard
(the music notation markup has been called a 'playSentence' in various references from back when)
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