Code: Select all
setProp tmEndValue pValue
set the tmControlData["endValue"] of me to pValue
end tmEndValue
getProp tmEndValue
return myEndValue()
end tmEndValue
The dropdown lists these options note the blank row which I find odd: and once selected the property inspector makes a little more sense: However if the property inspector is closed and then reopened it reverts to listing the custom property set under "customKeys" The same is true if a second set of properties are added; initially a list of properties is displayed under the heading "customKeys.
I have another screen shot but the forum only allows me to add three files.
The list of properties displayed appears to be the first custom set added to the control but I have not confirmed this.
This post started as a question about the storage of properties and has morphed to being more of a bug report about the inspector. However, as I have wasted a hour working out what is going on I thought it worth posting in the hope that the information is useful.