I am sorry if I offended your aesthetic sensibilities: that was NOT my intention.
What I was trying to do was work out a way to have scripts for, say, the revPreferences stack, that could open up a far larger amount of customisation that LC permits, and as such, I was working with LC 961 rather than anyone's OXT offering.
I kind of like having that menubar-Toolbar as a floating window that can be minimized, macOS is the only platform where it's normally not that way. It would be good to make that an optional preference.
Yes, it would, as, having the MenuBar 'jammed' up in the top-lefthand corner of the screen is not always what one wants.
In a perfect world [Ho, Ho, Ho] the
revPreference stack would offer:
Dark mode
Light mode
LGBT mode
Lemon yellow with flying ducks mode
Barister mode [coffee]
Heavy Metal mode [now, a sort of Steam Punk one would be rather fun]
Floating MenuBar [preferably palettised like the Tools]
Vertical MenuBar
Horizontal Tools
And so on, and on, and on: probably also a colour wheel so that folk could really pimp their interface stacks to whatever they wanted ['Dog's Vomit mode'].
7 or 8 colourisation schemes for the scriptEditor
Combined MenBar & Tools in one palette
Icon choice for the Application Browser and the Project Browser.
Choice of icons (or none) for the answer and ask dialogues.
Better stop this and go to bed as have to teach 'tinies' EFL [English as a FFFFFFFed Language] tomorrow, and, among other things explain why I don't care at all if they use GB English, US English, Canadian English, or whatever: as they have silly 'English' teachers at school [who cannot understand the differences between the dialects] who insists that they stick to 'British English', but then tell them that they should spell 'Mum' 'Mom'.

I am sorry if I offended your aesthetic sensibilities: that was NOT my intention.
What I was trying to do was work out a way to have scripts for, say, the revPreferences stack, that could open up a far larger amount of customisation that LC permits, and as such, I was working with LC 961 rather than anyone's OXT offering.
[quote]I kind of like having that menubar-Toolbar as a floating window that can be minimized, macOS is the only platform where it's normally not that way. It would be good to make that an optional preference.[/quote]
Yes, it would, as, having the MenuBar 'jammed' up in the top-lefthand corner of the screen is not always what one wants.
In a perfect world [Ho, Ho, Ho] the [b]revPreference[/b] stack would offer:
Dark mode
Light mode
LGBT mode
Lemon yellow with flying ducks mode
Barister mode [coffee]
Heavy Metal mode [now, a sort of Steam Punk one would be rather fun]
Floating MenuBar [preferably palettised like the Tools]
Vertical MenuBar
Horizontal Tools
And so on, and on, and on: probably also a colour wheel so that folk could really pimp their interface stacks to whatever they wanted ['Dog's Vomit mode'].
7 or 8 colourisation schemes for the scriptEditor
Combined MenBar & Tools in one palette
Icon choice for the Application Browser and the Project Browser.
Choice of icons (or none) for the answer and ask dialogues.
Better stop this and go to bed as have to teach 'tinies' EFL [English as a FFFFFFFed Language] tomorrow, and, among other things explain why I don't care at all if they use GB English, US English, Canadian English, or whatever: as they have silly 'English' teachers at school [who cannot understand the differences between the dialects] who insists that they stick to 'British English', but then tell them that they should spell 'Mum' 'Mom'. 8-)