Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

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Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

by richmond62 » Mon Sep 20, 2021 9:31 am

It might not be a bad idea to be able to access preferences from the Start Up Center.

Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

by OpenXTalkPaul » Mon Sep 20, 2021 7:39 am

richmond62 wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 6:13 pm Cannot quite understand why these are required:
I don't know what those are either.

My startup window is now completely blank, :D I want to make that a user selectable stack soon, no reason we can't all have the Home Start stack that we like.

I collected all of the Startup center relevant IDE handlers in case anyone wants to use them later for their start page or wherever else. All but one of these can be used from the message box, 'recent files' because it returns an array, but you can use revIDEGetPreference("cRecentStackPaths") instead.

Code: Select all

revIDESetPreference "StartCenterClassic",  true

put revIDEPaletteResourcePath()

put revIDEStackScreenLoc("Untitled 1")


put revIDERecentStacks() — returns array

put revIDEGetPreference("cRecentStackPaths")

revIDEOpenStack tFileData["filename"]


return revIDEPaletteResourcePath(pFileName)

put revIDEPaletteResourcePath(pFileName)

revIDELaunchResource "sample stacks"

revIDEDocumentationLoad "API", "LiveCode Script"

revIDEDocumentationLoad "API", "Guide"

revIDEActionNewMainstack "default"


revIDEActionNewMainstack "default"

revIDEActionNewMainstack "iPhone 4 (320x480)"

revIDEActionNewMainstack "15 In Monitor (1024x768)"

revIDEActionNewMainstack "Arbitrary (50x90)"

revIDESubscribe "ideDesktopChanged"

revIDEStackScreenLoc(the short name of me)

put revIDEGetPreference("cStartPageShow")

put revIDEGetPreference("StartCenterClassic")

set the iconPresetName of widget "startupCheckbox" to "lc-checkbox-unchecked"

revIDEStartTutorial "First Run", “"Hello World", "App Lesson"

 revIDESubscribe "ideTutorialProgressChanged"

revIDEStartTutorial "First Run", “"Hello World", "App Lesson"

put revEnvironmentEditionProperty("start_center_tile_color_step")

revIDEStartTutorial "First Run", "Hello World", "App Lesson"
"To Do List"
"BMI Calculator"
"Combining Text"

if revIDETutorialInProgress() is empty then evIDEUnsubscribe "ideTutorialProgressChanged"




revIDESubscribe "ideDesktopChanged"

revIDEOpenStack tFileData["filename"]

Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

by richmond62 » Sun Sep 19, 2021 6:13 pm

Cannot quite understand why these are required:
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Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

by richmond62 » Sun Sep 19, 2021 5:27 pm

SShot 2021-09-19 at 21.06.18.png
SShot 2021-09-19 at 21.06.18.png (151.73 KiB) Viewed 16084 times
(155.83 KiB) Downloaded 706 times
Hackin' Away
(21.12 KiB) Downloaded 702 times

Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

by richmond62 » Sun Sep 19, 2021 5:06 pm

SShot 2021-09-19 at 20.03.06.png
SShot 2021-09-19 at 20.03.06.png (241.75 KiB) Viewed 16089 times
I am currently editing the revmenubar.livecodescript document with BBEdit, but being careful only to comment out
lines of code ( -- ) rather than remove them completely.

Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

by richmond62 » Sun Sep 19, 2021 4:50 pm

the search feature in that screen shot is a macOS system level thing
that has always struck me as utter rubbish in whichever app it shows up.

Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

by OpenXTalkPaul » Sun Sep 19, 2021 4:11 pm

richmond62 wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 2:53 pm SShot 2021-09-19 at 17.51.33.png
My version of the HELP menu is
absolutely hilarious, so had better be removed completely.
I think there should be a little more to it than that!
Interestingly, the search feature in that screen shot is a macOS system level thing that doesn't turn up much or any relevant results (such as dictionary entries) if you actually try to use it to search for anything!

Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

by OpenXTalkPaul » Sun Sep 19, 2021 3:49 pm

SethMorrow wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 3:24 pm
OpenXTalkPaul wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 3:09 pm
I don't know who made that fork, it wasn't me, and I didn't know it was there, but good! I'll have to keep an eye on that to see if they actually do anything with it.
It's me. I grabbed this domain, the substack and github accounts on the day you asked for suggestions on FB and I suggested openxtalk, just in case. I'd be more than happy to do whatever needs done to get the main project moved to that account and give you and whoever else access. I'm not a github expert so I'm not 100% on how all that works, but the name is there and reserved for whenever it is needed. 8-)
Excellent, thanks again Seth! I do want to move this to a seperate OpenXTalk github account, it's made my own GitHub account a lot more difficult to wade through, and my interests may not always be related to this project directly so I would certainly like it to be seperate community account or community organization/team! That's exactly why I was talking to you about a seperate OpenXTalk email address.
Can you transfer control of that repo to a different email address?

Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

by SethMorrow » Sun Sep 19, 2021 3:24 pm

OpenXTalkPaul wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 3:09 pm
I don't know who made that fork, it wasn't me, and I didn't know it was there, but good! I'll have to keep an eye on that to see if they actually do anything with it.
It's me. I grabbed this domain, the substack and github accounts on the day you asked for suggestions on FB and I suggested openxtalk, just in case. I'd be more than happy to do whatever needs done to get the main project moved to that account and give you and whoever else access. I'm not a github expert so I'm not 100% on how all that works, but the name is there and reserved for whenever it is needed. 8-)

Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

by OpenXTalkPaul » Sun Sep 19, 2021 3:09 pm

SethMorrow wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 1:54 pm
richmond62 wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 9:16 am

Find the text file . . .

"The beauty of script only stacks is that they work incredibly well in version control systems like git."

This old git doesn't like them. ;)
I've been using the Atom to modify revMenuBar, and it works pretty good. It's not the script editor, but I can deal with it.
You can unlock the file from a file manager / Finder, (if you have admin permissions on your machine), and use the IDE script editor (which actually has a check to see if an outside editor has modified the file).
I believe Atom can modify it without changing it's permissions, but I'm not entirely sure because I've already changed the permissions (could test that later). Atom also has some great features built in, or as add-ons (LCS,LCB,revIgniter support), such as the ability to search for text inside all files inside a project directory and return a linked clickable list of occurrences of that text.
SethMorrow wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 1:54 pm I'm of the opinion that we should be removing as much in the way of distractions from getting the engine and IDE fully debranded and working expected. To that end, I've removed most of the help menu in my menubar. I think the focus should be on getting the IDE debranded and figuring out what is neccessary to get binaries compiled for the three desktop platforms. Stuff like sample stacks, lessons, etc can come later.
SethMorrow wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 1:54 pm I think this may be controversial, but I also think that perhaps we should think about dropping mobile support altogether, at least for the time being. With the fast ever-changing landscape seems like we'd need some full time coders working on this just to keep it current. I'd be perfectly happy with a de-branded and pared down xTalk that worked on and could deploy to the three desktop platforms only. I don't know how anyone else feels about this, but it seems like something we should perhaps discuss.
Personally I like being able to make an Android .APK file for deploying on my old tablets and modified Android OSes like LineageOS, I know Google just changed to using a slightly different package format (aab bundles), but that could be worked out (might just be changes to the build scripts) and the now deprecated .APK has been around for almost 10 years so for legacy or OS Android Builds (LineageOS /AndroidX86 and the like) APK is still good, and it works fine on regular Android (9.x) for manual app installs! The only real difference now is PlayStore requirements. ... app-bundle

Not sure about Apple's iOS as I haven't really tried a lot of iOS builds (might need jailbroken iOS for manual installs without an Apple Dev Account, of which I have a free one that allows to deploy 5 test apps).

Those deploy engines are seperate binaries from the core engine, so I don't think we have to look at those until later, much more low hanging fruit to go for first.
SethMorrow wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 1:54 pm I'll be submitting my suggested menu changes today to Paul's github, which seems to be where all the work is being done now. There is a github account 'openxtalk' but it is currently just a fork of the latest LCC engine and IDE- . If we reach a point where it makes sense to move the project over there, I'd be happy to turn over the account to whomever wants to take the lead - Paul?
I don't know who made that fork, it wasn't me, and I didn't know it was there, but good! I'll have to keep an eye on that to see if they actually do anything with it.

Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

by SethMorrow » Sun Sep 19, 2021 3:03 pm

richmond62 wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 2:53 pm My version of the HELP menu is
absolutely hilarious, so had better be removed completely.
At this point, I think everything not related to functionality (i.e. tutorials and the like) is something that should be removed until replacements can be created, so I'm not against it. :lol:

Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

by richmond62 » Sun Sep 19, 2021 2:53 pm

SShot 2021-09-19 at 17.51.33.png
SShot 2021-09-19 at 17.51.33.png (129.09 KiB) Viewed 16116 times
My version of the HELP menu is
absolutely hilarious, so had better be removed completely.

Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

by SethMorrow » Sun Sep 19, 2021 2:51 pm

Here is a copy of revMenuBar with my suggested changes. I started with the stack in Paul's github that he had already begun modifying.

What I've done:
  • Removed a majority of the help menu and set the forum option to link to our forum
  • Removed links in the menubar buttons "sample stacks, tutorials, and resources and replaced with generic "coming soon" message "put into" the message box.
  • Changed the window title to "openXTalk

What I want to do:
  • Remove the "sample stacks, tutorials, and resources" buttons from the menubar completely, until such a point that there is a suitable unbranded replacement.

I've tried doing this and it looks good, but it screws up the message box. Further investigation is needed.
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Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

by richmond62 » Sun Sep 19, 2021 2:38 pm

I've been using the Atom to modify revMenuBar
I used BBEdit.

Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

by richmond62 » Sun Sep 19, 2021 2:37 pm

I also think that perhaps we should think about dropping mobile support altogether
Well, I would support that for 2 reasons, one of which is completely selfish, and other less so:

1. I do not develop anything for mobile devices.

2. The fact that mobile development is a possibility with LiveCode only serves as an annoying distraction
when I am teaching elementary coding to school children.

Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

by SethMorrow » Sun Sep 19, 2021 1:54 pm

richmond62 wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 9:16 am

Find the text file . . .

"The beauty of script only stacks is that they work incredibly well in version control systems like git."

This old git doesn't like them. ;)
I've been using the Atom to modify revMenuBar, and it works pretty good. It's not the script editor, but I can deal with it.

I'm of the opinion that we should be removing as much in the way of distractions from getting the engine and IDE fully debranded and working expected. To that end, I've removed most of the help menu in my menubar. I think the focus should be on getting the IDE debranded and figuring out what is neccessary to get binaries compiled for the three desktop platforms. Stuff like sample stacks, lessons, etc can come later.

I think this may be controversial, but I also think that perhaps we should think about dropping mobile support altogether, at least for the time being. With the fast ever-changing landscape seems like we'd need some full time coders working on this just to keep it current. I'd be perfectly happy with a de-branded and pared down xTalk that worked on and could deploy to the three desktop platforms only. I don't know how anyone else feels about this, but it seems like something we should perhaps discuss.

I'll be submitting my suggested menu changes today to Paul's github, which seems to be where all the work is being done now. There is a github account 'openxtalk' but it is currently just a fork of the latest LCC engine and IDE- . If we reach a point where it makes sense to move the project over there, I'd be happy to turn over the account to whomever wants to take the lead - Paul?

Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

by richmond62 » Sun Sep 19, 2021 10:03 am

SShot 2021-09-19 at 12.59.48.png
SShot 2021-09-19 at 12.59.48.png (55.88 KiB) Viewed 16056 times
Still got 'Upgrade' to work on (v. awkward).

Bung the attachment in: app/Contents/Tools/Toolset/palettes/menubar

Best wishes to all who sail in her. :?
On its way.
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Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

by richmond62 » Sun Sep 19, 2021 9:16 am

Find the text file . . .

"The beauty of script only stacks is that they work incredibly well in version control systems like git."

This old git doesn't like them. ;)

Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

by richmond62 » Sun Sep 19, 2021 9:14 am

Tried THIS in a Commercial version:
SShot 2021-09-19 at 12.11.26.png
SShot 2021-09-19 at 12.11.26.png (22.1 KiB) Viewed 16059 times
so learnt that revMenuBar is, supposedly, script-only; which is odd as we can see the thing.

A long. long time agao (about RR 2.1) I was able to mood the revMenuBar stack out of all recognition
because, at that stage, it was a bog-normal stack.

Re: Replacing "Start Up Center" and mapping the IDE startup chain

by richmond62 » Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:34 am

Got all excited about modding the MenuBar and found I cannot because the stack is locked:
changes will not stick.

Would be grateful if anyone can tell me how to unlock a stack.
SShot 2021-09-19 at 11.40.18.png
SShot 2021-09-19 at 11.40.18.png (22.59 KiB) Viewed 16061 times
