by overclockedmind » Wed Jul 20, 2022 3:02 pm
OpenXTalkPaul wrote: ↑Wed Jul 20, 2022 12:58 pm
from that link:
By default, multimedia codecs are not installed on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
As you can see, I am not able to play the video file Big Buck Bunny-720.mp4 with the default Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
That's pretty much what I thought was the case. Which still seems odd given how ubiquitous .mp4 has become.
According to the fan-wiki the Linux engines require XAnim for 'play' command to work, which is almost a quarter of a century old! I'm not sure if that is still the case? Maybe we could compile a thorough list of every dependency, either embedded or external that the engines require for full functionality. Then we can better think on what could be replaced/updated to something more modern and common.
I was also reading about the Emscripten runtime (not just the LCs engine running onto of it) and found it very interesting that they included some of SDL (Simple Direct-Media Layer) compatibility in API. Now it would be a lot of work to wrap all of SDL, but maybe just a subset of SDL could be a more reasonable goal to start out.
Has anybody experimented with wrapping the Enscripten / webasm engine inside one of the many JS standalone app wrappers such as Electron?
Also not really related, but anyone else played around with 'do "<JavaScriptCodeGoesHere>" as javascript' on macOS? I'm not talking about do JS in a browser widget, I'm talking about the macOS system level JSX (JavaScriptForAutomation), which is available as open-scripting-architechure (OSA) in macOS 10.10.+ and works in exactly the same way as 'do tMyAppleScript as appleScript'? I just tried it with super-simple JS functions, setting result = myfunction() to retrieve with xTalk 'the result' and it works. Like AppleScriptObjC, there is JavaScriptObjC so one could theoretically built an entire cocoa app with native GUI with it. And like just AS, JSX is extensible.
I had some time to kill and was using for researching. These would be down-the-road goals.
I need to concentrate on getting OXT packaged and released right now.
It's a little different here in Linux Land. If you're setting up a server for a SQL database, do you want a GUI? Or the ability to play MP3s? You choose what you want and pass on the rest, whether it be for speed and security, or the "Free Software Philosophy," which is something you'll have to read up on. Some people only want software they can get the source for and eyeball. Some people want strictly free software. Some people set up a whole machine to do one thing with software that isn't free (which admittedly, there's not a lot of.)
SOME people consider code that does something (play a video file,) but that was re-written from the ground up (which it sure has to be, or now we're running over copyright entirely) not to their liking, and don't want it anywhere near their hardware, or more likely their company's hardware which makes total sense. That's why it's options, from the bottom up. A distro is a collection of software that fits with what people like and after maybe a program gone or a few added is just about right.
I'm no lawyer, but there's quite a bit to grab onto there. Some get really hot under the collar about different definitions of the word "free." Which if you think of it, there sure are.
[quote=OpenXTalkPaul post_id=2086 time=1658321915 user_id=50]
from that link:
By default, multimedia codecs are not installed on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
As you can see, I am not able to play the video file Big Buck Bunny-720.mp4 with the default Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
That's pretty much what I thought was the case. Which still seems odd given how ubiquitous .mp4 has become.
According to the fan-wiki the Linux engines require XAnim for 'play' command to work, which is almost a quarter of a century old! I'm not sure if that is still the case? Maybe we could compile a thorough list of every dependency, either embedded or external that the engines require for full functionality. Then we can better think on what could be replaced/updated to something more modern and common.
I was also reading about the Emscripten runtime (not just the LCs engine running onto of it) and found it very interesting that they included some of SDL (Simple Direct-Media Layer) compatibility in API. Now it would be a lot of work to wrap all of SDL, but maybe just a subset of SDL could be a more reasonable goal to start out.
Has anybody experimented with wrapping the Enscripten / webasm engine inside one of the many JS standalone app wrappers such as Electron?
Also not really related, but anyone else played around with 'do "<JavaScriptCodeGoesHere>" as javascript' on macOS? I'm not talking about do JS in a browser widget, I'm talking about the macOS system level JSX (JavaScriptForAutomation), which is available as open-scripting-architechure (OSA) in macOS 10.10.+ and works in exactly the same way as 'do tMyAppleScript as appleScript'? I just tried it with super-simple JS functions, setting result = myfunction() to retrieve with xTalk 'the result' and it works. Like AppleScriptObjC, there is JavaScriptObjC so one could theoretically built an entire cocoa app with native GUI with it. And like just AS, JSX is extensible.
I had some time to kill and was using for researching. These would be down-the-road goals.
I need to concentrate on getting OXT packaged and released right now.
It's a little different here in Linux Land. If you're setting up a server for a SQL database, do you want a GUI? Or the ability to play MP3s? You choose what you want and pass on the rest, whether it be for speed and security, or the "Free Software Philosophy," which is something you'll have to read up on. Some people only want software they can get the source for and eyeball. Some people want strictly free software. Some people set up a whole machine to do one thing with software that isn't free (which admittedly, there's not a lot of.)
SOME people consider code that does something (play a video file,) but that was re-written from the ground up (which it sure has to be, or now we're running over copyright entirely) not to their liking, and don't want it anywhere near their hardware, or more likely their company's hardware which makes total sense. That's why it's options, from the bottom up. A distro is a collection of software that fits with what people like and after maybe a program gone or a few added is just about right.
I'm no lawyer, but there's quite a bit to grab onto there. Some get really hot under the collar about different definitions of the word "free." Which if you think of it, there sure are.